If you wanted a glimpse into what the Democratic Party is becoming, you needn’t look any further than American college and university campuses.

Nationally, the party is moving to the hard left, and a big reason for that is because our institutions of higher learning have become little more than incubators for Marxism and Stalinism.

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Case in point: Cornell University.

In recent days, the student government at this Ivy League school sought approval for a measure seeking to disarm the campus police, and a couple members had the temerity and bad taste to oppose it. 

What happened? The majority simply removed the dissenters so they measure would pass.

The Washington Free Beacon has more:

On Dec. 8, Cornell’s student assembly removed Vice President of Research and Accountability Annie Gleiberman for voting against a bill that would disarm the university’s police department. The assembly’s executive committee claims that Gleiberman condoned “acts of racism, physical aggression, and emotional violence” by voting against the resolution. Per the student government’s rules, a vice president can only be removed through a unanimous vote. When Morgan Baker, another member of the assembly, said she would not vote to remove Gleiberman, the rest of the representatives temporarily removed Morgan using a two-thirds majority vote rule, so that they could unanimously vote to remove Gleiberman.

A previous motion to defund the police had failed after 15 representatives opposed it. Following Morgan and Gleiberman’s removal, 13 of those representatives penned an op-ed in the Cornell Daily Sun excoriating the student government for its “brazenly undemocratic display.” “The simple fact of the matter is that the executive committee wants to stack the [student government] with loyal allies who will not question their abuses of power and violations of [student assembly] rules,” they wrote.

The 13 representatives also claim that the executive committee is planning to selectively use existing but normally unenforced rules on attendance and committee membership to remove members who voted against the “defund the police” resolution.

“These individuals are career harassers who have used and continue to use fear, defamation, and their social status to put down any form of dissent,” Weston Barker, the head of Cornell’s College Republicans, told the outlet. “When those tools fail, they will go to any lengths to achieve their ideologically singular Cornell, without any regard for statute, bylaws, or morality.”

Kind of like – no, exactly like – the Democrat Party, writ large.

The American left, which is taking over the party one election at a time, is no different than governments run by historical strongmen and dictators like Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Vladimir Lenin and, more recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Castro clan in Cuba, and the mullahs in Iran.

Which means that it’s really becoming the Undemocratic Party.

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The problem is, they may have managed to steal enough recent elections to maintain control over our country for the foreseeable future, when we can expect them to change the rules at whim in order to maintain their iron-fisted grip on power.

President Donald Trump isn’t a ‘tyrant’ and ‘authoritarian.’ He never was. It always has been Democrats, and as the budding Maoists at Cornell demonstrate, their behavior and style of governance will only get more authoritarian.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.