On Wednesday night, House Democrats passed an election reform bill, H.R. 1, making it easier for them to win elections in the future.

The vote was a narrow one at 220-210 considering every single Republican voted “nay.”

The bill is a clear attempt by Democrats to ensure they win every election in the future considering the bill will allow for automatically registering voters as well as expanding early and absentee voting.

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“This is something that is enormously popular among the American people. The American people want to reduce the role of big, dark, special interest money in politics, which is preventing so many good things from happening. The people want to see an end to voter suppression,” Speaker Pelosi said.

Check out what The Hill reported:

The measure would require states to offer mail-in ballots, a minimum of 15 days of early voting and calls for online and same-day voter registration. The legislation also calls for the creation of independent commissions to draw congressional districts in an effort to put an end to partisan gerrymandering. It would also provide additional resources to stave off foreign threats on elections, enable automatic voter registration, and would make Election Day a national holiday for federal workers.

Supporters of the bill said it’s a necessary step to restore faith in the electoral system and tackle dark money in politics, arguing it expands voting rights, increases transparency in elections and creates new ethics rules to tamp down on corruption.

Under the legislation, the Citizens United Supreme Court case, which dissolved certain limits on corporate and union political spending, would be overturned and coordination between super PACs and candidates would be prohibited.

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Republicans are sounding the alarm on the bill, stating that it is a power grab that encourages ballot harvesting and even more election fraud.

“Second: H.R. 1 would legalize voting for convicted felons all over the country even if they were convicted of election fraud. Does that make sense to you? Not only is this dangerous, it’s unconstitutional,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said.

“Third: H.R. 1 would weaken the security of our elections and make it harder to protect against voter fraud. Here’s how: It would automatically register voters from DMV and other government databases. Voting is a right, not a mandate,” McCarthy added. “In most cases, this legislation would actually prevent officials from removing ineligible voters from the rolls and would make it much more difficult to verify the accuracy of voter information. So future voters might be underage or dead or illegal immigrants or registered two or three times. Democrats just don’t care.”

GOP Rep. Rodney Davis joined in.

“So they launder that money, that corporate money that we cannot accept right now into the Treasury and it comes out clean as public money. It’s money that used to be used for things like Crime Victims Funds,” Davis said.

“Instead, this new laundered money, this taxpayer money, because it’s public, it’s under the control of us, then goes out exponentially to all of us, to our campaigns to pay for attack ads, fundraisers, mailers, phone calls, whatever you want. But either way, it’s government spending, government sending corporate dollars directly to us. This is and should be prohibited.”

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