We’re not sure what happened to Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who was elected by, and rose to prominence within, the Tea Party movement of the early 2010s, but if he wants to behave like Democrats then he needs to gin up the stones to switch parties.

Kinzinger has been railing against President Donald Trump’s righteous claims of voter irregularities this election cycle and has now begun to blast fellow Republicans for supporting efforts to oppose the electoral college results when Congress meets in joint session later this week.

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Conservative talker, author, and expert Mark Levin has not only backed the president’s objections, but he has also been encouraging Republicans to step up en masse and oppose the electoral results as well.

In the process, Levin has launched broadsides at Kinzinger for essentially forgetting the conservative movement from whence he came.

“Adam Kinzinger is very devious and reckless politician. He was elected as a Tea Party candidate 10 years ago and quickly turned on them. He is now an activist for the administrative state and against constitutionalists,” Levin tweeted. 

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“Unsurprisingly, he’s celebrated by the Dem-Party media.  His attack on those earnestly trying to fix what the Dems broke during this election cycle & their efforts to prevent further usurpations of the … Constitution (as they’ve announced their intentions), is unconscionable,” he continued.

“He should be defeated at the ballot box in the next Republican primary. Then he can join CNN or MSNBC as a full-time, conservative-trashing contributor,” Levin concluded.

Kinzinger responded with a tweet of his own, taking a shot at Levin.

“Mark is The Godfather of ‘outrage for profit.’ For some reason he has been obsessed with me for a while,” Kinzinger tweeted.

That outraged conservative podcaster, author, and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who came to Levin’s defense in a quick hurry. 

Language alert!

“’Outrage for profit’? Go f**k yourself. You have absolutely no idea what Levin does, without any fanfare or money involved, to advance the cause of liberty. You’re a coward and an embarrassment, pandering to your CNN masters praying your hits don’t dry up. Pathetic,” Bongino wrote in response.

Kinzinger then took a shot at Bongino’s losing record in congressional races.

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“It’s rare to meet someone who lost a house race in two states, and a senate race!” Kinzinger posted.

Bongino fired back: “Proudest moment of my life. If ‘winning’ means having to become a sellout piece of s**t like you, then I’m profoundly honored to have ‘lost.’ You’re a chump and a coward, and a total disgrace to the country and the Congress. Back to CNN now, you’re dismissed.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.