New top-rated conservative talk show host and author Dan Bongino railed at the Biden administration over its gross mishandling of the worsening migrant crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Bongino’s criticism comes on the heels of photos taken and published by a group of 18 GOP senators late last week who traveled to the border to see for themselves how bad the situation had become.

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“[Ted Cruz] is down there trying to just take on videotape for America to see what’s happening at their border. We own this, it’s our country. It’s not Joe Biden’s, okay? It’s ours. Are we not entitled to see this?” Bongino said told “Fox & Friends.”

(Courtesy: Fox News)

“And think of the nonsense from that press person or whoever she was. She’s a government employee, which is scary. Your tax dollars are paying her to block a U.S. senator from seeing what’s going on,” he continued.

“She says a couple of things there which are so absurd you would think liberals would be losing their minds too. She says at one point ‘this is not a zoo.’ Well, I mean that’s obvious it’s not a zoo. But, why are you treating people like animals then?” he said.

“You have them head to toe stacked in plastic boxes wrapped in, literally not figuratively, emergency blankets and you’re claiming it’s not a zoo? Again, why are you treating people like animals?” Bongino went on.

“This is the great irony of the left. They accuse you of what they do and then they put themselves on this higher moral arc than you. It’s just ridiculous,” the former NYPD officer and Secret Service agent concluded, noting that the Biden regime is propagandizing what is taking place on the border like the “old Soviet Union.”

Bongino’s critique comes on the heels of a disgraceful interview by White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Sunday, in which she refused to directly answer host Chris Wallace’s very simple question: ‘When will the media get access to the migrant detention facilities?’

“The only way we know how bad conditions are for some 5,000 minors in these Border Patrol facilities is because of … pictures that members of Congress have released on their own,” Wallace continued.

“Jen, these kids are living in these conditions now. They’re not living in these conditions some indeterminate time from now when the president says everything will be fixed. So why not allow reporters and camera crews in — even on a pool basis — safely to take pictures and show the American people what’s happening in these Border Patrol facilities right now?”

“Just last week we had a pool camera providing footage to Fox News into the shelters. We want to provide access into the Border Patrol facilities. We’re mindful of the fact that we’re in the middle of a pandemic,” Psaki responded.

“We want to keep these kids safe, keep the staff safe. But we’re absolutely committed to transparency and providing access to media to the Border Patrol facilities, and we’re working to get that done as soon as we can.”

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Wallace then called out the press secretary with a truth bomb.

“At this point, in terms of allowing access to Border Patrol facilities for reporters, you are being less transparent than the Trump administration,” he said.

“Well, first of all, Chris, the Trump administration was turning away kids at the border, sending them back on the treacherous journey, or they were ripping kids from the arms of their parents. We’re not doing that. We are committed to allowing cameras into the Border Patrol facilities, absolutely,” she said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.