As DC’s homeless problem spirals further out of control, Mayor Muriel Bowser explained the crisis is worsening due to the never-ending influx of illegal immigrants ascending onto the city.

The issue was discussed on CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday and as host Margaret Brennen suggested that the illegals were being bussed in from Texas and Arizona in droves. Bowser admitted that it has become a “significant issue” and went on to blame the federal government for duping the migrants onto the buses:

“Well, this is a very significant issue. We have for sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses,” Bowser told Brennen.

She said she thought many of the migrants were trying to get to “final destinations” of their personal preference but were being “tricked” into getting on busses to Washington DC, where they are disposed by authorities and forced to seek refuge at brim-full homeless shelters.

“We think they’re largely asylum seekers who are going to final destinations that are not Washington, D.C. I worked with the White House to make sure that FEMA provided a grant to a local organization that is providing services to folks. I fear that they’re being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the United States of America,” explained Bowser.

It comes just as Bowser had begun to lower homelessness figures in the city. In April, she announced homelessness in the district had hit a 17-year low, down 47 percent since 2015.

In January, around 4,400 people were homeless in DC. While this is still a large number, it’s a 14 percent fall on the year before and Bowser worked tirelessly during her time in office to secure around 8,400 destitute people a home.

But as thousands swarm across the border, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent numerous busloads of illegal immigrants to DC as border states become swamped under the social, economic and practical pressures of dealing with the people numbers.

Although Bowser insisted the American taxpayer should not be forced to pay for the illegal immigrant’ keep, she said she felt the federal government should be forking out for them:

“Local taxpayers are not picking up the tab. They should not pick up the tab. We really need a coordinated federal response. We know that it’s done for refugees who come to the states from all points of the world and the same has to be done in the situation,” she said.

According to the US Customs and Border Protection’s monthly report for June, 200,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border. An undisclosed number of terrorists also made the crossing and 15,000 unaccompanied children.

Meanwhile, speaking at the Ninth Summit of the Americas, Biden advocated making it easier for illegals to cross the border. In the speech, he seemingly recognized that the majority of those crossing are economic migrants who simply seek better financial opportunities rather than genuine refugees in seek of safety:

“We affirm that regular pathways, including circular and seasonal labor migration opportunities, family reunification, temporary migration mechanisms, and regularization programs promote safer and more orderly migration. We intend to strengthen fair labor migration opportunities in the region, integrating robust safeguards to ensure ethical recruitment and employment free of exploitation, violence, and discrimination, consistent with respect for human rights and with a gender perspective,” he said.

The USA already has a visa system for non-citizens who want to work or live in the country. Clearly the Biden Administration believes some should have different rules to others.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.