Authoritarian Democrats have been chafing at the bit to impose another round of the lockdowns that have wrecked the economy and crushed spirits and to do so during the Christmas holiday season.

In a chilling decree that sends a message to all who are trapped in the states where Dem officials have used a public health emergency to seize dictatorial powers for themselves, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has just shut it all down.

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On Wednesday, Garcetti issued a new emergency order that will further crush the morale of his reeling citizenry and to cruelly snuff out the hope that has traditionally been an enduring characteristic of Christmas. 

According to Garcetti:

“My message couldn’t be simpler,It’s time to hunker down. It’s time to cancel everything. And if it isn’t essential, don’t do it.”

Garcetti’s punitive decree does carve out some exceptions for “essential” businesses including the Hollywood entertainment industry which has long carried the water for Democrats and has been the tip of the spear for the anti-Trump resistance.

Via The KTLA Los Angeles:

All residents within the city of Los Angeles should continue to remain in their homes and follow the city’s “safer-at-home” order, which mirrors guidance from L.A. County, according to the mayor’s office.

A public order posted on the mayor’s website Wednesday detailed many of the restrictions, including a ban on some travel with a variety of exemptions.

Email and text alerts from the city’s NotifyLA System also went out Wednesday, although the mayor’s deputy press secretary, Harrison Wollman, said the guidance has been in place for days.

“The city uploaded the most recent version of its safer-at-home order today to match the county’s current order that was enacted earlier this week,” Wollman said. “The two orders are identical, and the process of publishing the official document on our website is a formality that occurs each time the order is revised.”

The order, first issued in March, was revised one other time, in June.

Many residents were notified with an email and text alert from the city’s NotifyLA System Wednesday night. A spokesman for the mayor’s office said although the NotifyLA System alerts were accurate, they did not include any new restrictions.

Non-exempt businesses in the city have been ordered to cease operations that require in-person attendance of staff. There is a broad list of exceptions for various businesses and workers deemed essential or exempt.

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Garcetti’s decree also threatens any who may dare to violate it with criminal charges, fines, arrest and imprisonment and clearly draws inspiration from the old Soviet Union. 

The media hysteria over a spike in COVID cases that conveniently coincides with the normal seasonal flu outbreak along with lockstep deference to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s constantly shifting doomsday predictions have given Garcetti and other Democrats carte blanche to lock down their cities and states again

The order effectively places Americans in the nation’s largest county under a state of indefinite house arrest that many would suggest is unconstitutional but Attorney General William Barr and the Justice Department remain silent. 

California Governor Gavin Newsom has already indicated that he will take “drastic” new measures and Garcetti’s lockdown could soon spread to the rest of the one-party state,
