With his approval numbers rising, President Trump continues to torment Democrats who are seeking to exploit the coronavirus in order to seize political power at the national level. 

Trump’s leadership is evident with his daily press briefings which have enraged the resistance and driven networks to censor all or portions of the sessions designed to get information directly to Americans. 

Now the latest shots in the war on Trump come over the supply of ventilators and other medical equipment and sets the narrative that the POTUS is responsible for lost lives in key states ruled by Democrat overlords. 

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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the ball rolling when the 2020 darkhorse accused Trump of withholding ventilators but quickly had to walk his accusation back when it was revealed that state authorities were sitting on stockpile of them. 

With senile Joe Biden fading fast, the DNC is desperate for a new champion and in Gov. Cuomo they feel that they have their man. 

The son of the Cuomo political dynasty has been increasingly hostile toward President Trump in recent days, bolstering the hopes of the Democrat establishment that he can be swapped out with Biden at the convention in July. 

Then there is authoritarian California Governor Gavin Newsom who received his copy of the talking points and has accused Trump of sending faulty ventilators to the Golden State. 

Via The Hill, “California governor: 170 ventilators sent from Trump administration were ‘not working'”:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said Saturday that 170 ventilators shipped by the federal government to help his state respond to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus were “not working” when they arrived.  

Newsom made the remarks during a press conference in which he noted that the number of coronavirus patients in intensive care units had doubled since Friday, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Newsom said that the stockpile of ventilators had been sent to Los Angeles County by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). He noted that a company called Bloom Energy was fixing the equipment.  

“Rather than lamenting about it, rather than complaining about it, rather than pointing fingers, rather than generating headlines in order to generate more stress and anxiety, we got a car and a truck,” Newsom said after touring Bloom Energy’s ventilator refurbishing site in Sunnyvale, Calif.

“And we had those 170 brought here to this facility at 8 a.m. this morning, and they are quite literally working on those ventilators right now.”

Newsom may claim that he is not “complaining about it” or “pointing fingers” but his pants were fully aflame as he ran to the media to generate headlines and bolster his profile. 

Like Cuomo, Newsom also has presidential aspirations although not in 2020.

Another Democrat governor in the critical electoral prize of Michigan went to the media and claimed that the Trump administration was canceling and delaying medical supplies and equipment to the Wolverine State.

Gretchen Whitmer is on the list of female vice presidential picks and seeks to elevate her profile and bolster her anti-Trump credentials. 

Via CNN, “Michigan governor says shipments of medical supplies ‘canceled’ or ‘delayed’ and sent to federal government”:

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in an interview Friday that her state is not getting the health and safety equipment needed to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus because contractors are sending their products to the federal government first.

Whitmer, a Democrat, said in an interview on CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” that her state’s shipments of personal protective equipment are being “canceled” or “delayed.”

“Well, we’ve entered into a number of contracts, and as we get closer to the date when shipments are supposed to come in, they are getting canceled — getting delayed,” Whitmer told Blitzer.

Whitmer said her state was notified that shipments of protective equipment such as face masks are going “first to the federal government” ahead of the states.

Governor Whitmer offered no proof nor was any asked for by multimillionaire CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer because orange man bad and must go by any means necessary. 

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Sickening and shameful and these elected officials are playing games with people’s lives to benefit their own political ambitions. 

No further evidence is needed that this malevolent collection of power-crazed fascists are unsuitable for America and should be nuked out of existence at ballot boxes come November. 

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