With the delivery of their Christmas impeachment gift to America only days away, it is beginning to dawn on Democrats that President Trump will not be removed from office by the Senate. 

Having squandered three years and millions of taxpayer dollars on their hoaxes and witch hunts, the House Of Pelosi is ready to wrap a bow around their monumental accomplishment just before they split town for the holidays. 

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But their egg nog has already gone sour after top Republican Senators including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have made it clear that they have no intention of reversing the 2016 election and plan to quickly vote to clear Trump. 

Stomping their feet like petulant children who didn’t get what they wanted from Santa Claus, Democrats are howling that the Senate trial has already been rigged. 

One of those who is howling in outrage is Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, a top member of the California impeachment cartel that has declared war on Trump. 

According to Lofgren:

“Some of the things I’m hearing from [Graham and McConnell], looks like they plan to rig the trial” 

“That’s a serious problem for the country, but I think it’s a problem for Trump as well. President Trump is hoping to be exonerated. He will not be exonerated if everyone knows he rigged the trial.”

“If they’re not going to hear any evidence, if senators announce that they’ve already made up their minds, they don’t need to look at the facts, that doesn’t clear the president if he’s not convicted in the Senate. That’s just a political endeavor to protect a man who is guilty of abusing his power” 

So The trial is rigged? Just like the Russians stole the election from Hillary, the POTUS is a secret Kremlin sleeper agent and the moon is made out of green cheese. 

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Interestingly, Congresswoman Lofgren is yet another of those old sixties radicals looking to sip from the fountain of youth that is Watergate and in her case, she actually played a key role in the takedown of Richard M. Nixon.

Via The New York Times, “From Nixon to Trump, Zoe Lofgren Is Democrats’ Memory on Impeachment”:

 In the summer of 1974, a young law student named Zoe Lofgren, working for a member of the House Judiciary Committee, drafted what she thought was an ill-advised article of impeachment charging President Richard M. Nixon with usurping the power of Congress by concealing the bombing of Cambodia.

The committee rejected it. “It didn’t pass and it shouldn’t have passed,” Ms. Lofgren said.

Now Ms. Lofgren is Representative Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California, a close ally of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a senior lawmaker on the judiciary panel and the panel’s only member to have participated in all three modern presidential impeachments. And much like 45 years ago, she has emerged as a voice of restraint as her party barrels toward a divisive and partisan impeachment of President Trump.

Alas, President Trump is no Nixon and Democrats have no evidence upon which to base their sham impeachment which with a reliance on Watergate that makes one wonder whether it is all a gambit to force Trump to resign. 

Lofgren and Dems who were young and vigorous back in the day would be well served to remember Nixon’s hulk-smashing of George McGovern in the 1972 general election for they may face a similar fate come next November. 
