As many conservatives and legitimate civil libertarians suspected, authoritarian Democrats are going to milk the coronavirus for every last ounce of tyranny they can.

Though most Americans have already lost most of their privacy to the Big Tech companies who track our whereabouts online, now a growing number of Democrats want to track us while we’re offline, and they want to use ‘the coronavirus’ to justify it.

In a video presentation as part of the Clinton Foundation’s “Clinton Global Initiative University” program, former President Bill Clinton and California Gov. Gavin Newsom agreed that “tracer” programs or apps would be needed to ‘track’ anyone who either has COVID-19 or is suspected of having it, so that the authorities can find out who they’ve been in contact with.

So much for the Fourth Amendment and Americans’ right “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects.”

“What you have to be able to do is to track people who are positive,” Clinton said. “Where were they, who were they in contact with, how can you hem up any recurrence of” the virus.

“Like California did with the conservative corps of young people, should we have a contact tracer corps, even if we call it something more elegant?” Clinton proffered — meaning, ‘Let’s figure out a name that doesn’t give away the fact that we’re violating your privacy rights.’

“Yeah,” Newsom agreed, nodding.

“Should we build the first public health network we’ve ever really built in this country around this issue?” Clinton added.

“The predicate for getting back to some semblance of normalcy,” Newsom insisted, “is our ability to identify individuals through testing, to be able to able to trace their contacts, isolate individuals, that have either been exposed or quarantine people that are tested positive, and that’s just gonna require an army of folks and the capacity of consideration from individuals to allow for their privacy to be impacted by that kind of acuity of attention based upon where they’ve been and who they’ve talked to.”

Translation: We have to give up our privacy rights if we want to be ‘protected’ from coronavirus, even if it means tracking us 24-7.

Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler would have loved to have had this kind of technology; they already had the power.

These two tyrants-in-waiting aren’t the only ones who favor this horrific idea.

As ABC7 News reports, failed 2020 Democratic presidential contender Michael Bloomberg wants the same thing, along with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo:

New York state is getting some help as it looks to develop an “army” for contact tracing amid the battle against the coronavirus. …

To that end, however, New York is receiving aid from a number of organizations. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has been tasked with helping to create a contact tracing initiative to help recruit tracers and execute a plan to keep New York up to par on tracing efforts.

Bloomberg Philanthropies is teaming up with Johns Hopkins University and other groups to find and recruit potential tracers and train them to trace COVID-19 cases. CUNY and SUNY schools are also providing assistance to find applicants.

“When social distancing is relaxed, contact tracing is our best hope for isolating the virus when it appears, and keeping it isolated,” Bloomberg said Thursday. “The governor has recognized that, and since Bloomberg Philanthropies has deep experience and expertise in public health, we’re glad to support the state in developing and implementing a contact tracing program.”

Notice that these Nazi-like plans never apply to those in power, just the plebe citizens who are merely supposed to nod like bobbleheads and go along ‘for our own good.’

We don’t ‘trace’ people over the flu, heart disease, diabetes, or any other potentially lethal condition. Don’t be fooled into thinking we have to do it now because of ‘coronavirus.’


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.