Well, it didn’t take long for Democrats and their media sycophants to start hating on investigative journalist Catherine Herridge, a Fox News alumnus who is now plying her considerable media talents at CBS News.

As a national security and legal correspondent, Herridge broke several big stories at Fox and she’s already starting to do the same thing at CBS. There’s just a one problem though: CBS News is Left-wing ‘mainstream’ media outlet that, like its contemporaries, has been primarily focused on destroying President Trump.

So when anyone at any of these networks actually does some real reporting that helps or exonerates the Trump White House, the Lefties get upset and start crying foul.

Herridge is now under assault from many of the usual suspects for her recent scoops involving stories that, say, identified scores of Obama-era officials (including the former president’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough and his vice president, Joe Biden) who requested that Michael Flynn be unmasked.

The Daily Beast, another of the many cookie-cutter Left-wing media outlets that haven’t done any real journalism in years, if ever, published a hit piece on Herridge, claiming Democrats are upset with her along with some “co-workers” who claim to be “frustrated” with her (probably because she runs rings around them).

Under the ridiculous headline, “The New CBS Reporter Driving Democrats—and Some of Her Own Colleagues—Crazy,” the outlet reported:

Since jumping from Fox News to CBS last year, journalist Catherine Herridge has frustrated Democrats and some of her own co-workers, who worry she pushes “GOP talking points.”

Attorney General William Barr wanted to defend a decision that thousands of the Department of Justice alumni called indefensible, he knew just the reporter to turn to.

Catherine Herridge has a long history on the justice beat. She also possesses one of the rarer attributes in TV journalism: a massive mainstream platform, serving now as CBS’s senior investigative correspondent. And she has reporting roots at the nation’s leading conservative media outlet, having made the jump late last year from Fox News, where she served for 20 years. 

So when Barr announced he would drop charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials, few in the industry were surprised that Herridge scored the exclusive. 

The rest of the story is behind a paywall, but you get the gist of this hit job with what’s reprinted above and the headline.

We have no idea why CBS News hired Herridge if they didn’t want her to do what she’d been doing for a couple of decades at Fox News. She was definitely a known quantity. And we have to assume that she would’ve insisted that network executives to allow her to continue to do what she’s obviously so good at.

But we do have a pretty good idea why some of her colleagues would be “frustrated” with her: Because they’re not really journalists, they are Marxist hacks who don’t do investigative journalism.

It doesn’t take much imagination, creativity, or talent to piece together a few “God, I hate Trump” quotes from ‘anonymous sources,’ slap in a few misconstrued, out-of-context facts and call it ‘a story.’ Once-respected publications like The New York Times and the Washington Post have been doing that for decades now, but especially after President Trump took office.

As for Herridge, we wonder about her future. The last really good investigative reporter at CBS News — Sharyl Attkisson — was essentially run off by network bosses who kowtowed to Barack Hussein Obama and his merry band of political operatives.

In any event, it’s not hard to figure out why the Left hates anyone in the news business who dares to shine a light on their corruption.

But as investigative journalists go, it takes one to know one. Even liberal ones like Glenn Greenwald.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.