It’s not often that Democrats do the circular firing squad thing, politically speaking, but the issue of Israel, Jews, and anti-Semitism generally are sensitive and extremely polarizing.

It shouldn’t be that way, mind you; American political leaders, regardless of party, can have a soft spot for the Palestinians and still come out overwhelmingly supportive of the one true democracy in the Middle East — Israel.

Beyond that, it is a no-brainer to come out solidly against anti-Semitism and acts of violence directed against Jews — American Jews — or so rational people might think.

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That’s not the case with “The Squad,” the far-left extremist Democrats in the House who reflexively and instinctively criticize Israel and Jews in general whenever and wherever possible.

Like earlier this month, when Israel came under attack, again, from Palestinian militants and Hamas terrorists.

After Israeli police were set upon by Palestinians using their holiest mosque, Al Aqsa, as cover — heaving rocks and other objects — causing police to ‘invade’ the site and disperse the attackers, Hamas, on cue, began launching thousands of rockets into Israel proper. No consideration was given for Israeli civilians; rockets were fired indiscriminately and in multiple salvos for days.

Israel responded, as it must, and in the process destroyed Hamas weapons and command-and-control infrastructure. Palestinian civilians, including children, were reportedly killed, but that happened largely because Hamas likes to position its military assets in amongst Palestinian civilian populations.

In any event, the new fighting led to the usual anti-Semitic trope from Squad members Rashida Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent; Ilhan Omar who is Muslim; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is just a bigot; and others within their sect.

Their venom drew the ire of other Democrats, however, who viewed their rhetoric and the resultant violence and attacks committed against American Jews as too much.

The Daily Wire reports:

A group of four House Democrats took veiled shots at progressive members of their caucus, denouncing some anti-Israel rhetoric as “antisemitic.”

Democratic Reps. Josh Gottheimer (NJ), Elaine Luria (VA), Kathy Manning (NC), and Dean Phillips (MN) wrote a letter Wednesday pointing out a spate of antisemitic violence that has swept major American cities in recent weeks. The lawmakers said that “elected officials” have driven antisemitic sentiment by falsely calling Israel an “apartheid state” and accusing the Jewish state of committing acts of “terrorism.”

The letter does not name any one member specifically, however it does quote recent comments made by progressive Democratic House members such as Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), and Rashida Tlaib (MI). The letter also condemned rhetoric recently used by GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“Elected officials have used reckless, irresponsible antisemitic rhetoric,” the letter notes. “These include repeated, unacceptable, and blatantly antisemitic statements made by a Member of Congress comparing facemasks and other COVID-19 public health measures to ‘what happened in Nazi Germany’ during the Holocaust.

“We also reject comments from Members of Congress accusing Israel of being an ‘apartheid state’ and committing ‘act[s] of terrorism.’ These statements are antisemitic at their core and contribute to a climate that is hostile to many Jews,” the letter went on.

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“We must never forget that less than eighty years ago, within the lifetime of our parents and grandparents, six million people were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust because they were Jews. Israel has long provided the Jewish people with a homeland in which they can be safe after facing centuries of persecution.”

That said, as the Daily Wire noted, not a single Democrat has called out Squad members by name for their hateful rhetoric, making this letter pathetic and coward-like. Par for the course for the Bigot Party.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.