If you have gotten the impression that ranking members of the Justice Department and U.S. intelligence community believe they are at a station in their careers where they believe they are above reproach and congressional oversight, this will reinforce your belief.

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has been in Washington, D.C. a long time. No doubt he knows where a lot of bodies are buried, to so speak. But the elitists at the top of the Justice Department food chain obviously believe they are untouchable because even Graham is being stiff-armed by the FBI and ranking DoJ turf protectors in his quest to get to the bottom of the ‘Russiagate’ fiction.

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Red State’s Nick Arama writes:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) revealed that he’s been denied access to interview an FBI agent and an FBI analyst who were involved in interviewing the chief source for Christopher Steele’s dossier in January of 2017. It was during that interview that the source discredited the dossier allegations calling them gossip and barroom talk.

Despite the fact that the source disputed the allegations in the dossier, the FBI didn’t tell the court about the exculpatory information when they used the dossier to get FISA warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“I made a request to interview the case agent and the intel analyst…and they’re denying me the ability to do that,” Graham said in an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“I’m going to keep working the system,” he added. “The question is, did the case agent and intel agent refuse to tell the system about exculpatory information? Does the fault lie with two or three people, or was it a system out of control?”

“Here’s what I think. Every time there was a stop sign for Carter Page or [entrapped national security adviser Michael] Flynn, the system moved forward because the people at the top did not want to stop,” Graham said.

The South Carolina Republican should know of what he speaks. Not only did he serve as a lawyer for the Air Force for decades, he’s been in the nation’s capital for a very long time and knows ‘the system’ and the swamp very well.

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As for what’s next for him and the Senate Judiciary Committee he chairs, Graham says he wants to call fired FBI Director James Comey and his fired Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and ‘pick their brains’ to find out more about their ‘alleged’ roles in crafting and carrying out Russiagate.

“I find it hard to believe that McCabe and Comey did not know that the Russian subsource told the FBI in January, ‘oh, by the way, the documents you’re using to get a warrant against Carter Page, the Steele dossier, it’s a bunch of hearsay, bar talk and garbage,’” Graham said.

Last week, during Rosenstein’s testimony, Graham asked one of the very right questions, “Why did we have the Mueller investigation at all, if we had concluded they weren’t working with the Russians?”

And yet, the probe into the Trump campaign and, eventually, the Trump administration continued.

If ‘they’ are stonewalling Graham, something really bad must be behind Russiagate.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.