Tuesday was a tough day for Joe Biden. The geriatric president was hit with multiple setbacks that combined to suck the wind out of Democrat sails and throw their radical agenda for remaking America into turmoil.

Firstly, the election rigging bill that he championed got blocked by a GOP Senate filibuster. Also, his crown jewel of an “infrastructure” package (that is really a Trojan horse for the Green New Deal) remains stalled as the progressive base fumes.

However, worst of all for Biden was the White House admitting that his goal of having 70 percent of the nation vaccinated by July 4th isn’t going to happen. This comes as a body blow to a man who based his entire campaign on the big lie that he was better suited to handle COVID than former President Donald J. Trump.

Months of costly propaganda, celebrity messaging, and free stuff have failed to move the needle toward the elusive goal. Now Biden could potentially face a backlash if the mysterious Delta variant of the virus that he has been fearmongering about results in a rising number of cases this fall. His failure to deliver on the promised vaccination goal places him in a position to get the blame.

An example of the total desperation that has gripped Team Biden was admitted by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. During her Tuesday presser she revealed that the regime has been working with corporations to bribe poor kids with free video game systems to induce them to get “the jab”. This despite concern over adverse side effects including heart inflammation among younger recipients of the vaccines.

When pressed by a reporter on what is being done to get kids injected a flustered Psaki responded, “Let me give you a few examples of what we’re working on, it’s not just Dr. Fauci on TikTok although that is happening,” referring to the Biden’s scandal-plagued top health adviser.

“So, Dr. Fauci has done several Q&As with TikTok and Instagram influencers to answer questions, to meet people where they are, including young people, give them information they need. CDC’s COVID vaccine chat on What’s App is now live to help Spanish speaking young adults get vaccinated.”

Psaki continued, “We’ve been working with the private sector as well as you know, Microsoft is giving away X-Boxes at boys and girls clubs, the college challenge is rallying university students across the country, Walgreens is giving out $25 to anyone who gets vaccinated there before July 4th, these are just a couple of examples of the approaches we are taking,” she said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jill is making the rounds in the south, an area that has been hesitant to trust Biden and Fauci’s messaging on the vaccine. There are large numbers of two key demographics who have declined “the jab”: the black population and Trump supporters.

According to Bloomberg, “The first lady visited a vaccination site at Jackson State University, a historically Black college in the Mississippi capital, together with the state’s only Democratic U.S. House member, Bennie Thompson. She told people waiting in line for shots, ‘Can I ask you to go home and make a phone call and say, ‘Hey, I did it. It was easy, it was free, takes 10 seconds.’”

She also traveled to Nashville to join country singer Brad Paisley at a pop-up vaccination site set up at a local distillery: “The vaccines are the only way to get back to the open mics, and the music festivals and the concerts that make this town so very special,” she said.

No matter how the media spins it – and be assured that they will – Biden’s failure to meet his 70 percent number after months of focusing on it for the symbolism of declaring independence from COVID on July 4th is going to haunt him long after the fireworks have gone off.
