Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova, who’s been keeping track of the Justice Department’s ongoing criminal investigation into the origins of the “Spygate” scandal, dropped new bombshells during his weekly appearance on the Howie Carr radio show Wednesday.

DiGenova said that former top FBI lawyer James Baker has “flipped” and is working with U.S. Attorney John Durham, assigned by Attorney General William Barr to get to the bottom of what appears increasingly like a deep state attempt to drive President Donald Trump from office.

At around the 8:55 mark in the interview below, diGenova tells Carr that Baker is now “working” with Durham on his investigation.

“You know, Baker is now working with Durham, James Baker the former general counsel” for the FBI, diGenova said, adding that at one time, he was a “target.”

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He’s “now understandably cooperating because he was looking at a boatload of criminal charges once these notes were discovered” diGenova continued — referencing handwritten notes newly revealed indicating that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former FBI counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok were colluding to set up Michael Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser.

In April 2019, diGenova told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that Baker was among top Obama administration officials including former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper who were caught up in allegedly defrauding the FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on then-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“Specifically, diGenova indicated that judges on the FISA court who may have been involved in approving the counterintelligence surveillance on onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — and who were duped into granting the warrant based on the very bogus ‘Russia dossier’ — have been in contact with Attorney General William Barr’s office,” a report noted at the time.

DiGenova indicated that things are about to go south for people involved in attempting to depose Trump, and that Baker’s cooperation may be key to it all.

“The bottom line is this, it’s unfolding and what’s happening is, what Durham is actually doing is he’s painting a picture and not everyone of these acts is going to be a specific separate crime.  But they are going to be, what’s called overt acts in a conspiracy.  One to defraud the United States government. One to deny the civil rights of Trump and Flynn and Page and a bunch of other people,” he said.

He also notes in the interview that he believes it’s apparent someone inside the FBI has begun leaking to the press, as evidenced by the discovery of the handwritten notes and other documents.

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“It’s fascinating to watch the claim that [FBI Director] Chris Wray and [other Justice Department officials] did everything they could to prevent the stuff from the Missouri U.S. attorney to be given to Flynn’s attorney,” he said, a reference to Jeffrey B. Jensen, who was assigned by AG Barr to review the former national security adviser’s case.

DiGenova also described additional exculpatory evidence discovered in Flynn’s case, including FBI 302 forms — which contain notes of interviews with suspects — as well as amendments to those documents and “changes being made, and, apparently, some interviews that were conducted that were never turned over to the House and Senate committees by the FBI.

“It all deals with how Flynn was entrapped,” diGenova continued, adding that another thing Durham is probing is how the December 2016 conversation between Flynn and then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak was leaked to the media the following month.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.