Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said Thursday that data collected by various intelligence agencies indicate there was a lot foreign interference in our election this year, but not everyone within the intelligence community wants Americans to know that.

Because they’re deep staters who don’t want to give President Donald Trump a ‘win’ and a talking point regarding election irregularities this year. 

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What a pathetic reason to withhold information from the American people who pay them.

“Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January,” CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge said.

Ratcliffe’s statement, if accurate, contradicts a former Homeland Security cyber official President Trump fired last month after he claimed that no such interference occurred.

The Epoch Times reports:

Christopher Krebs, the recently-fired top cybersecurity official during the presidential election, testified before the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

“While elections are sometimes messy, this was a secure election,” Krebs said.

On a Nov. 27 “60 minutes” interview, Krebs was asked what he thought of the Trump legal team’s allegations that votes were tabulated in foreign countries and were manipulated.

“So, all votes in the United States of America are counted in the United States of America,” Krebs said. “I don’t understand this claim. All votes in the United States of America are counted in the United States of America. Period.”

“So, again, there’s no evidence that any machine that I’m aware of, has been manipulated by a foreign power. Period,” he added.

Somebody’s not being honest, and we tend to think maybe it’s Krebs.

Why? Consider some other information.

— The intelligence community was supposed to report to the president, via a 2018 executive order, no later than 45 days after the election (that’s Friday) whether there was any foreign interference. Office of DNI spokeswoman Amanda Schoch says that the 17 agencies under Ratcliffe’s control won’t have their reports completed by then, which is complete BS given that tracking of foreign electronic incursions into the U.S. are ongoing so the agencies knew Nov. 3 whether interference had occurred.

As Breitbart News reports: “There is allegedly ‘ample’ raw intelligence about China’s intentions and actions related to the election, with more intelligence reporting coming in everyday [sic]. Some of the influence operations include social media campaigns seeking to amplify messages such as that President Donald Trump is a white supremacist. … Ratcliffe is concerned that proper tradecraft — which would require that the disagreement be reflected in the report with both views represented — will not be followed simply in order to deprive President Trump of a potential political talking point.”

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Got that? The deep state morons who think they, and not the president, should be in charge have decided to skip his mandated deadline and politicize the final intelligence product to deprive Trump of a “talking point.”

Our institutions are broken, period. They no longer function on behalf of the American people, but rather as instruments to perpetuate the concentration of power in an unseen elite.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.