Perhaps certain that there will be some election day chicanery, the Justice Department is dispatching poll monitors to 18 states to ensure that all voting laws are complied with in what is sure to be a contested election.

“Federal law entrusts the Civil Rights Division with protecting the right to vote for all Americans,” said Eric S. Dreiband, the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, in the statement. 

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“Our federal laws protect the right of all American citizens to vote without suffering discrimination, intimidation, and harassment. The work of the Civil Rights Division around each federal general election is a continuation of its historical mission to ensure that all of our citizens can freely exercise this most fundamental American right.”

The Epoch Times has more:

Agency staff will be sent to counties and cities in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. A full list of jurisdictions can be found in the news release.

The move is not uncommon as the Justice Department typically monitors some areas on Election Day. In 2016, the agency sent more than 500 employees to 67 jurisdictions in 28 states. In 2012, the Justice Department sent 780 observers and personnel to 51 jurisdictions in 23 states.

The statement notes further that the DoJ monitors will be on hand to “focus on compliance with the Voting Rights Act” and other federal statutes. The department added that civil rights personnel from U.S. Attorney’s Offices will also be sent, where they will keep in contact with local and state elections officials.

“Complaints related to disruption at a polling place should always be reported immediately to local election officials (including officials in the polling place),” the news release stated. 

“Complaints related to violence, threats of violence or intimidation at a polling place should be reported immediately to local police authorities by calling 911. These complaints should also be reported to the department after local authorities have been contacted.”

In a dire warning released earlier Monday, the Trump campaign said that the Joe Biden camp was poised to claim any victory by the president was nothing more than a “red mirage” and that election results would be challenged all over the country, thus ensuring the final results will be delayed.

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The statement says, in part:

Democrats are panicking because Joe Biden has not run up a large enough lead in early votes in battleground states and they know that President Trump’s in-person votes on Election Day will make up the difference and propel him to victory. Biden’s political operatives have already been distributing talking points and research to delegitimize Election Day results by coaching surrogates to refer to the President’s Election Day success as a ‘Red Mirage.’

The operatives are advising surrogates and media to create a smoke screen by casting blame all around – imagining postal delays or falsely claiming that mail-in ballots that have simply not been returned should be considered legitimate votes that need to be counted.

Read the rest here.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.