Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter Friday to declare that his father’s campaign has uncovered what appears to be a lot of evidence of Democrat vote fraud.

“When America sees everything we are uncovering they will be disgusted and even the media won’t be able to pretend voter fraud isn’t real. Ending this crap once and for all will be fundamental to preserving our republic and faith in democracy,” a clearly disgusted presidential son wrote.

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It wasn’t clear what the evidence the Trump campaign may have because Don Jr. did not elaborate. But we know this about him: He would not have made such a bold statement publicly if he didn’t have something to back it up with.

Also, there is this from One America News Networks’ Chanel Rion: “Top Campaign Source tells @OANN: The evidence flowing into Voter Fraud Hotline is overwhelming. Campaign legal team setting battlefield for fight in the courts – armed with incontrovertible evidence. Major Press Conference today. Stay tuned.”

Again, no evidence has been presented, but that, too, is a pretty powerful statement.

Also, there have been specific allegations of vote fraud – namely, thousands of allegedly illegal votes featuring dead people in Nevada.

“Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud,” the Nevada GOP said on Twitter. “We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.”

“Of course, voter fraud is a serious federal felony, one that cuts to the heart of representative democracy,” said a letter from a Nevada law firm retained by the state GOP to Barr, shared on Twitter by Tim Murtaugh, communications director for President Donald Trump’s campaign. “We understand that these are serious allegations and we do not make them lightly.”

The Western Journal added:

In a separate letter to a lawyer representing Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, the Republican Party said it expects the list of those who voted after leaving the state to reach about 6,000 names.

Nevada Republicans further noted that they had identified instances of people under age 18 casting mail-in ballots.

Earlier Friday, the Decision Desk HQ called Pennsylvania for Democrat Joe Biden, which put him over the 270 electoral vote threshold, but that call got immediate pushback from President Trump’s reelection campaign.

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“This election is not over. The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final. Georgia is headed for a recount, where we are confident we will find ballots improperly harvested, and where President Trump will ultimately prevail,” wrote the Trump campaign’s general counsel, Matt Morgan.

“Biden is relying on these states for his phony claim on the White House, but once the election is finalized, President Trump will be re-elected,” he added.

Morgan said he believes at least three states currently called for or leaning to Biden will go to Trump and that the president will eventually “win Arizona outright.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.