As dire as it may seem for President Donald Trump at the moment with Democrat post-election shenanigans continuing into Thursday, his campaign wants his tens of millions of supporters and voters to know that things aren’t over.

Nothing. Is. Over.

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Fox News reported:

President Trump’s campaign remained confident Thursday, predicting not only that the incumbent Republican will win the 2020 election, but that the result could become apparent as soon as Friday.

As of early Thursday afternoon, several states continued to count ballots without a clear winner, but Democrat Joe Biden appeared to be on the verge of victory. According to Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, however, Trump should not be counted out of the race just yet.

“Donald Trump is alive and well,” Stepien told a conference call with reporters.

That’s great news.

And there’s more. Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller says the president’s going to win.

“We believe that President Trump will again, win the race and we think that by, as soon possibly the end of tomorrow on Friday, it will be clear to the American public that President Trump and Vice President Pence will serve another four years in the White House,” Miller said.


Fox News added: 

Meanwhile, the campaign is engaged in legal battles all over the country, looking to either pause vote counts or calling for greater scrutiny of the voting in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada.

The campaign had also filed a lawsuit in Georgia that called into question the handling and timing of certain ballots, but Chatham County Superior Court Judge James Bass dismissed the case without explaining his decision following an hourlong hearing on Thursday.

As of this writing, we have heard that Democratic nominee Joe Biden is going to declare himself the winner by Thursday evening. That makes sense, strategically; if he declares first, then it will make Trump seem desperate and exactly the ‘despot’ the left has been claiming he is all along.

Trump’s legal actions will fulfill Democrats’ ‘prophecy’ and allow them to accuse him of trying to “steal the election” when, in fact, of course, it is they who are attempting to do so. Because Democrats are always so much better at playing offense than Republicans, for some reason.

And speaking of Republicans, it sure would be nice of more of them (many of whom Trump helped get reelected) would stand up and speak out against the vote fraud they know is occurring in these battleground states.

In any event, it’s like Democrats are once again dog-whistling to the restless cadres of anarchists who are just waiting for Trump to declare victory or be declared the victor. Because Democrats would rather burn the country down than let Trump have another four years, though he earned them.

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So – what should the president do? Exactly what he is doing.

He must. He won this election, of that we are certain (otherwise Democrats wouldn’t be trying so hard to steal battleground states, right?). So he owes it to the electoral majority of Americans to fight to ensure their votes count

Stay tuned.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.