This Monday at the RNC Convention, Donald Trump accepted his Presidential nomination to a cheering room. The President was celebrated by a group who chanted “Four more years!” while he stepped onto the podium after Joe Gruters, the delegate and state Chairman from the state of Florida, awarded Mr. Trump 122 delegate votes.

Gruters said that “under President Trump’s watch, excessive regulations that once stifled job growth have been eliminated. Jobs that were once shipped overseas are returning to our shores…” Gruters also referred to Trump as the “economic heavyweight champion of the world.” The Florida delegate also said that Trump is not “defunding the police” but that “he is defending the police.”

President Donald J. Trump trolled the media, as his supporters chanted “4 more years,” Mr. Trump jokingly said “now if you want to drive them crazy, you say 12 more years.” 

The room laughed, and cheered him on. However, though the President was lighthearted through his speech he also made warnings, saying that “this is the most important election in the history of our country,” and that the United States is counting on this election, because he said “our country could go in a horrible, horrible direction.” He said that before the virus, the country was headed in a great direction.

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 The president discussed the financial advances that the country enjoyed until right before the pandemic. In addition, he praised his management in the face of the virus and highlighted the quick scientific progress in the search for a vaccine against the coronavirus. He said that if they had not closed the economy, millions would have died. 

The Republican leader also went on to warn his audience about the dangers of mail-in voting, He reiterated his criticism of voting by mail, a crucial issue given the precautions to avoid contagion in crowds. “They want to steal the elections,” denounced the president, saying that people who had not asked for mail-in ballots were still receiving them in the mail. He warned that what we were seeing with mail-in ballots was very dangerous and that “we have to be careful.” The President maintains that he is getting ready for a historic fraud attempt by the Democrats; thereby assuring Americans that it is safe to vote in person, despite the Pandemic.

He also noted that that the Democratic Party has been overwhelmed by the radical left: “Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have been overwhelmed by the radical left. His agenda is higher taxes, socialized medicine, open borders, abortion on demand and funding cuts to the men and women who serve to enforce the law. ” One of the last things Trump said on his RNC Monday speech, was that “the United States would never be a socialist country.”

Trump is set to make an appearance every day of the convention, a stark contrast to the Democratic Nominee, Joe Biden, who has barely made any appearances. Despite Covid-19, the delegates are meeting and voting in person at the Charlotte Convention Center. Although some of the traditional marks of the conventions will be seen – such as the flags alluding to each state and the bags with souvenirs – the chairs will be well distanced from each other, and it will be mandatory to wear masks.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.