Fresh off a visit and rally to the crucial swing state of Georgia, Donald Trump returned to the big stage in an equally important battleground in the Midwest, this time in the state of Michigan. Trump carried both Georgia and Michigan in 2016 but lost their electoral voters by slim margins in 2020 against Joe Biden. Democrats also flipped both Georgia Senate seats in 2020.

Speaking to an oversold crowd of 5,000 attendees in Washington Township, located outside Detroit, the former president hammered Michigan’s corrupt and futile leadership under Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer, called out Joe Biden for his disastrous and ruinous handling of everything, and made sure to name RINOs within the state’s political machine.

Trump came ready to light up the crowd:

The Detroit News provided coverage of the event, reporting:

“Trump reminded the crowd that Whitmer’s husband tried to use his position to get a boat in the water in May 2020 during the early depths of the COVID-19 pandemic. The owner of a Northern Michigan dock company said Marc Mallory placed in the water before the Memorial Day weekend as Whitmer urged residents not to rush to the region…

Trump accused Biden and Whitmer of imposing rules on everyday citizens “that they did not abide by themselves.” In May 2021, Whitmer apologized after a photo emerged showing her at a restaurant with 12 other people gathered around tables pushed together in violation of her health department’s epidemic order.

“They totally failed on the pandemic, and now they are trying to walk away from COVID like nothing happened,” the former president said.”

It is hard to tell if Covid policy will resonate with voters in November, but good for Trump for calling it out. Democrats want us to forget about Covid, and for all intents and purposes people have. But it is worth reminding voters that they were lied to about everything and they sacrificed so much in the name of globalists consolidating power. All the while, the ruling class acted as if no pandemic protocols were ever in place. A vote for Democrats rewards this evil behavior.

After going after Whitmer’s abysmal handling of Covid and her multiple selfish scandals, Trump pivoted to Biden. Of him, he said: “[w]e have a president who has no idea what’s going on!’

The Detroit News reported that a lot of the former president’s speech focused on Biden;s horrendous handling of immigration. It writes:

“Let there be no doubt the Biden administration is resetting this humongous wave of illegal aliens in communities like yours all across America,” Trump said of the Afghanistan refugees.

He claimed without evidence that “thousands of unvetted, unscreened Afghan refugees” are being resettled all over Michigan.”

Of course, it isn’t just Democrats ruining this country. Turncoat and spineless Republicans have played an equal role in the suffering of citizens. How did America benefit from a Republican majority in the House, Senate, and White House for the first tow years of the Trump administration? How have Americsans fared with a nominal 6-3 majority in the U.S. Supreme Court since late 2020?

The answers are obvious.

Here is how Trump took part in his attack in RINOs, again reported by The Detroit News:

“Trump argued that Republican voters prefer to vote on election day, and called for a return to that system. Michigan has had no-reason absentee voting after a 2018 vote of the people.

Trump then introduced DePerno, whom he described as “hated by politicians — the weak ones, the RINOs.”

Trump called Leonard [DePerno’s 2022 Republican opponent], who lost to Nessel by less than 3 percentage points in 2018, a “RINO” or Republican in name only, though he admitted he didn’t know him.”
