• One thing law-makers and medical officials can’t seem to agree on is what precautions Americans should be taking in regards to the spread of Covid-19.
  • “If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it” – the latest medical safety advice from the United States’ top doctor.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci introduced the idea of “Mucosal surfaces”, that is, areas on the body that may be subject to a virus attaching itself and entering the body. Fauci went on to say that, theoretically, we should be protecting those “surfaces” is we are able to.

Here’s the clip from the New York Post:

So besides a mask that you wash daily, you can add goggles to your list of medical equipment to keep in your pocket. Perhaps is wont be long until we see scuba-diving suits on the list of recommended PPE. The truth is, Americans should probably just use common sense when it comes to staying safe in a pandemic world. 

“It’s not universally recommended, but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can.” 

Fauci later suggested that goggles will likely be a formal recommendation in the near future. 

It looks like we’ll be moving past the great “mask-debate” and seguing into the “goggle-debacle”.  

Dr. Fauci told Fox News’ John Roberts on the “Special Report”,

“It’s an extraordinary circumstance because this is the fastest that we have ever gone from the identification of a new virus – doing the sequence, getting a vaccine, and going into a phase-three trial for efficacy. And we’ve done it via increased technologies that have really been transforming the way we do vaccine trials.”

As of today, July 30th, the vaccine is tentatively expected to be available to the general population by Spring of 2021. In the mean time, masks, hand-sanitizer, and now goggles may be the “new normal.”

Disclaimer: this article is strictly for the purposes of communicating dialogue communicated by media outlets – it is not meant to suggest or contain medical advice. Please follow any and all recommendations from authorized medical staff. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.