Former House Speaker and Wisconsin ‘Republican’ Paul Ryan traveled all the way to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif. on Thursday to lecture the party about why it can no longer continue to be led by Donald Trump, joining the chorus of other RINO types who continue to claim the former president was responsible for the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol Building.

“It was horrifying to see a presidency come to such a dishonorable and disgraceful end,” Ryan said.

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“Once again, we conservatives find ourselves at a crossroads. And here’s the reality that we have to face: If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we’re not going anywhere,” he claimed.

“Voters looking for Republican leaders want to see independence and mettle. They will not be impressed by the sight of yes-men and flatterers flocking to Mar-a-Lago.”

Well, we’re not sure what planet Ryan is living on these days, but his claims about the GOP being an empty vessel under Trump’s tutelage do not comport with earthly realities.

Trump remains atop the Republican Party as its leader, survey after survey has consistently shown. What’s more, GOP candidates in his mold are early favorites for big races in key states like Pennsylvania, where the real political action is.

The Associated Press reported Saturday:

With Pennsylvania’s wide-open races for governor and U.S. Senate taking shape, Republican candidates with strong ties to Donald Trump are running and considered strong contenders for the party’s nominations — a powerful sign of the former president’s enduring popularity within the GOP.

Within a few days of each other, Sean Parnell entered the race for U.S. Senate and Lou Barletta entered the race for governor. Trump had urged both men to run in prior bids for public office.

Barletta explained the calculus for running under the Republican banner.

“Donald Trump is still the leader of the Republican Party and anybody who believes otherwise, they don’t know what they’re talking about, and especially in Pennsylvania,” he told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon on Bannon’s podcast, “War Room.”

Both men have ironclad ties to the former president. Barletta “was co-chair of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign in Pennsylvania and a loyal ally on Capitol Hill when he was in Congress,” the AP added. Parnell, meanwhile, got a lot of shout-outs from Trump when he was still on Twitter and Parnell launched an unsuccessful bid from the U.S. House.

Parnell and Donald Trump Jr. are also friends, with the latter praising the Pennsylvania Republican after he jumped in the U.S. Senate race.

“If Trump is toxic for Republicans, as some in the party believe, it isn’t showing,” the AP acknowledged. “Republican voters seem unaffected in their support for Trump-backed candidates, said Jim Lee, president of Susquehanna Polling and Research, whose polls include voter surveys and polls for Republican candidates.”

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What ties voters to the former president — and not to the Washington RINO-establishment class — is Trump’s genuineness. Voters felt it when he first jumped into the GOP primaries in 2015 and they still feel it. Plus, they saw his conservative policies — his Reagan-like policies — work for America.

Which makes Ryan’s appearance at the late president’s library in California even more of a sick, ironic joke.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.