President Joe Biden arrived in Israel on Wednesday as he kicks off a tour of the Middle East region. Biden started his jaunt around this part of the globe by asking for directions, because he’s lost — lost his marbles, that is — and then managed to correct himself, but not before making a rather unfortunate gaff while talking about the Holocaust.

The man is an embarrassment to the whole country. It’s sad that the Democratic Party does not feel any sort of remorse for using this old man, who has some sort of dementia going on, for their own political agenda.

The Daily Wire reported that “The president was greeted by Yair Lapid, Israel’s interim prime minister, at Ben Gurion Airport alongside a handful of other delegates.”

Biden actually had to ask for directions at one point, asking the group, “What am I doing now?”

Conservative pundit Benny Johnson posted a tweet about the video saying, “Biden is so lost,” referring to his confused demeanor.

The Daily Wire then said, “Biden’s request for guidance comes just weeks after he inadvertently showed the world that his staff provides him with directions for tasks such as walking into a room and sitting down at the table. In late June, Biden flashed a notecard during a meeting with union and private sector leaders that displayed the widely mocked cheat sheet:

“Contributing to his latest follies, Biden then stumbled during his opening remarks in Israel while reading the words Yad Vashem — Israel’s official memorial to victims of the Holocaust. Shortly after, he misspoke about the ‘honor of the Holocaust’ before quickly correcting himself to say ‘the horror of the Holocaust,'” the report continued.

What’s funny is even Biden himself knows that he is an absolute disaster when it comes to speaking in public and participating in these sorts of big events and press conferences.

Back in 2018, Biden spoke with the press, confessing, “I am a gaffe machine, but my God, what a wonderful thing compared to a guy who can’t tell the truth,” taking a shot at former President Donald Trump.

Well, Mr. President, you’ll get no argument from me concerning your admission that you are a gaffe machine. That is probably the most truth that has ever come out of your mouth.

And it’s hilarious he actually considers himself to be a man who tells the truth. He’s about as intimate with the truth as a prostitute is with a church pew.

The president will fly directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia in a move intended to bolster relations between the two Middle Eastern countries. CNN also reported that the president would look to build upon the Abraham Accords signed by Trump in 2020. The Abraham Accords were a joint statement first signed by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Israel, and the U.S. intended to promote peace and improve regional diplomatic relations,” The Daily Wire stated.

It’s going to be an interesting trip, that’s for sure. I bet this won’t be the only time Biden opens up his mouth and dumb stuff comes spewing out like pea soup from Linda Blair.

I’ll be around to help tell you all about it.
