If you needed more proof that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people, look no further than NBC News. Instead of providing their viewers with full context of the Ma’Khia Bryant incident, they decided to deceptively edit the 911 call to make it appear that the cop acted poorly.

“In their report on the officer-involved shooting in Columbus, Ohio, NBC Nightly News deceptively edited the 911 call to leave out the part where the caller says a girl was “trying to stab us.” They also don’t show viewers the knife in the attacker’s hand just before the shots,” said Nicholas Fondacaro on Twitter.

As you can see in the video below, the far-left news network cuts the footage RIGHT before you can see the knife in her hand. This was very clearly *not* an accident.

Watch below:

The Washington Examiner adds this:

“If you relied solely on NBC for your news, all you know is that a white cop killed a black teenager and that a knife may or may not have also been present at the scene of the shooting. However, footage of the incident shows Bryant had a knife in her hand and that she appeared to be in the process of stabbing an unarmed teenager when responding officers shot her. The 911 audio would appear to corroborate this. None of this was included in NBC’s coverage,”

The Daily Caller editor in chief Geoffrey Ingersoll eviscerated NBC News for their blatant deception:

What is your reaction to the fake news peddled by NBC News? Are they *trying* to start a race war? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump