The U.S. military is the last American institution of nonpartisanship, small ‘r’ republicanism, and patriotic fervor. Men and women enlist to serve because, regardless of their political allegiances, they believe in preserving our country as founded, for the most part.

But over the past few years, the left-wing ‘wokesters’ who have infiltrated and already taken over every other American cultural, academic, and social institution started focusing on the military, and they have made substantial progress.

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The push to turn the military into a social experiment reflection of society at large has accelerated significantly in the months since former President Donald Trump has left office. Joe Biden nominated a retired four-star Army general, Lloyd Austin, who has turned out to be more of a social justice warrior, ordering the service branches to stand down as they examine “extremism in the ranks” — that is, overt support for Trump — while the president himself has reversed his predecessor’s ban on transgender enlistments.

But two military veterans — Army Ranger-qualified Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and retired Navy SEAL Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, both of whom are combat vets — are fighting the encroaching left-wing onslaught.

The two teamed up to release a whistleblower form on Saturday for servicemembers to report any leftist “woke” training requirements, curriculum, and educational materials they are subject to while in uniform.

“Enough is enough. We won’t let our military fall to woke ideology. We have just launched a whistleblower webpage where you can submit your story. Your complaint will be legally protected, and go to my office and @SenTomCotton,” Crenshaw, who was wounded in Afghanistan and nearly lost his vision, tweeted.

“With written permission we will anonymously publish egregious complaints on social media and tell the country what’s happening in our military,” he added.

“For too long, progressive Pentagon staffers have been calling the shots for our warfighters, and spineless military commanders have let it happen. Now we are going to expose you.”

The whistleblower form says:

We advise that whistleblowers use your personal resources and contact information when communicating submitting this form, and that you do not use your work equipment or work contact information. Further, do not submit classified information or other information barred from release through this form or by email.

Various U.S. laws at the federal, state and local level prohibit retaliation against whistleblowers for providing information to Congress. However, you still take serious risks when you report allegations of wrongdoing. We recommend that you consult an attorney experienced in whistleblower law for further guidance. We respect your confidentiality, and we will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission. You may submit a disclosure anonymously. However, please be aware that anonymous disclosures may limit our ability to respond to the information that you provide.

All submissions will be shared confidentially with the office of Senator Tom Cotton.

Other Republican lawmakers are also sounding the alarm.

“My Republican colleagues and I hear regularly from active-duty and retired service members that even holding conservative values is now enough to endanger a service member’s military career,” said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee.

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Preceding this action by Cotton and Crenshaw, just in recent weeks:

— A U.S. Space Force commander was relieved of his post for comments in a book he wrote that are critical of Marxism;

— A U.S. Army ‘recruiting’ video featuring a female soldier who had two mothers and bragged about ‘marching for social justice’ — the Army cut off the commentary section to the video, by the way;

— Austin’s claim that the military could be rife with ‘white supremacist’ extremists;

— A return to recruiting transgenders to serve openly in the ranks.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.