If any of Donald Trump’s children had even a semblance of liberalism in them before he won the presidency, the pathetic, grotesque, calculating, and diabolical nature of the Democratic left has no doubt purged those sentiments.

And nowhere is this disgusting treatment more prevalent than in the left-wing garbage media, which proves time and again allegations that they are nothing but propaganda wings for the Democratic Party.

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Case in point: The New York Times’ release of its ‘bombshell’ story regarding President Trump’s taxes, in which the paper itself debunks its own claim that he only paid a few hundred bucks in taxes in recent years.

In an interview with Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” program Tuesday, Eric Trump backhanded the Times’ claims, which were allegedly based on tax and financial records illegally leaked to the paper, insisting that his billionaire dad pays a “fortune” in taxes while blasting the paper for releasing the story 24 hours ahead of the first Trump-Biden debate.

“I printed that article out,” Trump, the executive vice president of the Trump Organization, said. “It was 35 pages long. Does anyone really believe that Susan Craig wrote that article on Friday afternoon? No. They have been writing that article for three months and they wanted to drop it the morning before the debate. These are disgusting people.”

He also accused “somebody at the IRS” of leaking his dad’s tax information, which obviously happened if the documents the paper ‘obtained’ are genuine.

“I believe this is the IRS scandal of this generation,” said Trump. “We saw it happen under the Obama years. You saw what happened in 2013 and 2014 when the IRS was targeting conservative groups. Now they are targeting my father because he is doing a great job and they don’t like him.”

Eric Trump went on to predict that several more ‘October surprises’ are forthcoming before the Nov. 3 election.

“We have a great company,” Trump said.  “We are one of the lowest-debt real estate companies. We have the best assets in the world … If you put $200 million into a project, you have things like depreciation and tax credits and other things. That’s part of investing billions and billions of dollars in a nation.”

Speaking of that, Eric Trump and his brother and sister have no doubt questioned why their father wanted to be president of a county to which they have given so much only to see it attacked and destroyed in front of their eyes by haters in the Democratic Party who could never, and will never, accomplish anything close to the same level of success.

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Speaking of accomplishments, one thing that needs to be mentioned here because it doesn’t get said enough is this: Donald Trump has been down before but he always got back up and the last time he did, he won the presidency of the United States…the first time he ran…which was the first time he ever ran for office.

That just doesn’t happen. But he made it happen. He did it. 

And frankly, that’s probably the main reason why ‘the establishment’ – Washington, the finance world, the intelligence community, the media, Big Tech – hate him so much.

He and his family are everything they are not and never will be.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.