While the $1.9 COVID relief package continues to be stalled by Democrats who are negotiating in bad faith, there has been time for the contents to be scrutinized. As a result, details are seeping out over how badly that regular Americans are being ripped off by Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts.

In another example of how the swamp takes care of its own, it has been revealed that the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” crafted by the Dem-controlled House includes an obscene provision that would pay federal bureaucrats up to $21,000 to stay home.

The provision creates a $570 million fund through the Treasury Department that will offer “enhanced” family leave benefits to government employees whose children’s schools have been shuttered oppressive lockdowns.

The dirty details, which are buried on page 305 of Pelosi’s bill, are a slap in the face for the millions of Americans who are still struggling financially all while being told to “stay home”.

According to the Forbes report:

“Under the bill as currently drafted, full-time federal employees can take up to 600 hours in paid leave until September 30, up to $35 an hour and $1,400 a week. That’s 15 weeks for a 40-hour employee. Part-time and “seasonal” employees are eligible, too, with equivalent hours established by their agency.”

Yes, that’s $1,400 a week!

Via Forbes:

The U.S. House version of the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” – a $1.9 trillion emergency aid package to help America recover from the coronavirus pandemic has an extra perk for federal workers: Enhanced paid time off if your child is enrolled in a school that isn’t back to full-time, in-classroom instruction.

Critics call it a personal bailout for bureaucrats. It is funded through a new $570 million family leave account exclusively for federal workers.

While millions of parents struggle to work from home with kids who are enrolled in shuttered or partially shuttered schools, and millions more left the workforce or lost jobs to care for their at-home children, evidently parents in the federal bureaucracy need their own, personal Covid-19 bailout.

Buried on page 305 of the House bill released late last Friday night (included after the bailout details for states and localities), is a new Treasury Department fund called the “Emergency Federal Employee Leave Fund.”

$570 million in the new fund is available through September 30. Federal employees caring for others due to Covid-19 are eligible for paid leave. Among those eligible are those who are “unable to work” because they are caring for school-aged children not physically in school full time “due to Covid-19 precautions[.]”

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Meanwhile, Americans who don’t have “swamp privilege” are still waiting for their meager $1,400 checks while desperately trying to stave off economic ruin thanks to Democrat lockdowns and indifference to their suffering.

Once again, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats have slapped ordinary Americans right in the face.
