Because the ‘mainstream media’ is dishonest and serves the interests of the Democratic Party, President Donald Trump and Republicans are getting blamed for ‘failing to pass a new COVID-19 stimulus package.’

‘What a bunch of cruel, heartless louts they are, and especially the president, who doesn’t give a hoot about anyone but himself!’ Or something like that.

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The criticism reached a fever pitch this week when President Trump announced he was cutting off negotiations with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, postponing them until after Election Day – thereby ‘proving’ to the press and his haters that he is heartless and cruel and doesn’t care about Americans hurting financially due to job losses caused by shutdowns due to the pandemic, none of which he imposed himself (indeed, remember when Trump wanted to reopen the country by Easter?).

“The move is politically risky for the president and delays much-needed assistance to struggling Americans. But the ultimate blame belongs to Nancy Pelosi,” writes Betsy McCaughey, a former lieutenant governor for New York, in the New York Post.

While Trump and Republicans have focused a new relief bill on actually providing relief, financial and otherwise, to Americans, small and medium-sized businesses, and the airlines, Pelosi’s much larger, $2.2 trillion would literally change the way the U.S. is governed forever and provide hundreds of billions to cash-strapped blue states whose Democratic leaders have mismanaged for decades.

Oh, and provide some relief to Americans.

She writes:

The House speaker has been badgering the GOP to pass her $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill to “crush the virus, so that we can reopen the economy and our schools safely.” Yet her bill would do almost nothing to achieve those goals.

Instead, though Pelosi never mentions it, her bill would rewrite election law for 2020, barring voter ID requirements, forcing states to count absentee ballots that arrive as late as 10 days after Election Day and imposing same-day voter registration everywhere, though currently only 21 states allow it. These changes don’t belong in a stimulus bill.

The former lieutenant governor also noted that almost no one at the White House or on Capitol Hill disagrees about sending out additional financial assistance to Americans – yes, even those ‘evil, greedy, stingy, nasty Republicans.’

But like Trump, they don’t want to destroy the election system – which would, in turn, destroy our founding political processes – at the same time.

“There is almost no disagreement between Republicans and Democrats over sending every American adult a $1,200 check. But that’s a small part of the total bill. Pelosi’s version would fritter away hundreds of billions of dollars closing state and city budget gaps, with nothing long-term to show for it. We won’t be any more prepared for the next pandemic,” writes McCaughey.

“Pelosi’s bill promises school districts $225 billion, but only $5 billion, or 2 percent, would go to making schools safer by improving air quality or installing sinks and other hygiene upgrades,” she adds, with the rest going to schools that keep more teachers employed and run less efficiently, making it “a teachers union protection plan.”

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Pelosi’s bill also hands out $417 billion to blue cities and states without any strings attached, allowing them to patch budget holes caused by ongoing coronavirus restrictions and closures as well as impossible-to-pay pension benefits.

“This is a lost opportunity to rescue cities that are turning into ghost towns because ­employees fear the virus and are working remotely,” she notes.

“Pelosi needs to play it straight. Using the pandemic to slip in controversial voting changes for 2020 doesn’t pass the smell test,” she concludes.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.