President Joe Biden’s approval numbers are tanking and the American people are quickly losing faith in our president.

Over the weekend, “F*** Joe Biden” chants broke out across America at almost every large event including college football games and concerts.

The chants come just weeks after President Biden made one of the worst decisions in U.S. history when he completely botched the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan which led to a swift takeover by the Taliban.

Saturday marked the kickoff of the college football season where stadiums were packed with football-loving Americans, a big “F*** You” to Joe Biden and his authoritarian COVID guidelines. The fans wanted to send Biden an even more blatant message to Biden by chanting “F*** Joe Biden” at the games.

Check out some of the videos below. Here is the University of Texas game in the liberal city of Austin:

Here is the Virginia Tech game:

Here is a bar in Tuscaloosa, Alabama:

Here is the Auburn football game:

Here is a concert in Lubbock, Texas:

Check out Texas A&M:

Texas A&M again:

Another concert…

Another football game…

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!
