Honorary male Squad member Hakeem Jeffries was never a deep thinker, but his talking points on the waning of both Covid and the government’s heavy-handed pandemic restrictions makes Jen Psaki look like a Rhodes scholar.

In his most recent press event, Jeffries removed the last of his functioning brain cells to drop the most outlandish and medically irrelevant pandemic analysis to date. When watching, be sure to note his silly smirk after finishing it. He has to be thinking: “My goodness, will people really believe this?” Amazingly, some will.

In reference to the whiplash-inducing narrative changes, here is a portion of what Jeffries said:

And the omicron variant is in retreat. And that’s not by accident. That’s because under President Biden’s leadership a public health infrastructure was put into place, beginning with the American Rescue Plan – without a single Republican vote – to ensure that we can do everything possible to crush the virus. And that is what has been happening. Through the trials and tribulations of a once in a century pandemic. Through the Delta variant. Now through the Omicron variant.”

I wrote an article yesterday about the U.S. Government’s new effort to label anyone pushing MDM (misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information) as a domestic terrorist. Is this not a prime example of MDM? When a sitting representative can announce that the Omicron variant is in retreat without mentioning the fact that it’s retreating as a result of infecting probably half the country – including the vaccinated – at what point have we stopped talking truthfully and merely started spouting dangerous, misleading nonsense. This is a bigger lie than anything Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, or any of the number of ostracized doctors have said in two full years about anything else related to Covid.

Let’s be perfectly clear about one thing: The Omicron variant disappeared not because of Biden’s public health response, but in spite of it. Despite vaccine mandates, mask mandates, social distancing, quarantining, and vaccine passports in big cities, everyone still got Omicron. In other words, nothing the government did even nominally worked. We got past Covid because we all got it and can now move on. We would have arrived at this point if the government didn’t even exist – and would certainly have reached this point years ago were it not for all of the unnecessary and economically- and societally-harmful public health measures.

Not satisfied with spreading MDM, the supposed “domestic threat actor” Hakeem Jeffries continued with more asinine logic while discussing vaccination rates across the country:

When Biden took office, there were two million Americans fully vaccinated. One year later more than 200 million Americans fully vaccinated. That doesn’t happen by accident. Because President Biden and Democrats in the House and Senate have leaned into the science and evidence…Now we’re seeing the fruits of that work.

Is this what passes as critical thinking these days? Again, Joe Biden and his administration had nothing to do with Americans getting vaccinated, unless you consider the totalitarian “job or jab” approach. Then sure, threatening people with loss of income and livelihood counts as ramping up vaccination rates. Biden inherited Big Pharma’s death juice and a populace riddled with hyper-inflated anxiety.

Look, I don’t necessarily blame Hakeem Jeffries. He is just a pawn, one of Stalin’s “useless idiots”. As an individual, he is a nothing. However, the fraudulent narrative he helps disseminate has an impact on millions of other sheep in this country. These sheep vote Democrat and, if polls are to be believed, hate the unvaccinated with every fiber of their being. These lies have serious consequences.

Hailey Sanibel writes regularly with other pro-freedom authors at The Blue State Conservative.
