Just when the push to bully Americans into wearing two masks was picking up steam, Dr. Anthony Fauci has once again reversed course on advice that he had given only days ago.

Last week, Fauci put his stamp of approval on the double masking during a chat with Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s “TODAY” show.

According to Fauci: “So if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective

Then over the weekend when Joe Biden’s top medical adviser was able to squeeze in yet another media interview into his busy schedule, Fauci flip-flopped – AGAIN.

Dr. Fauci now says:

“There are many people who feel, you know if you just wanna have a little extra bit of protection, maybe I should put two masks on.

There’s nothing wrong with that but there’s no data that indicates that that is going to make a difference and that’s the reason why the CDC has not changed the recommendations.”

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The double masking was quickly embraced by virtue-signaling Democrats:

With the media having already established that Fauci is an infallible being whose word should be more trusted than that of God himself, so-called “experts” rushed to support the wearing of multiple masks, including one doctor who called for an incredible FOUR face diapers.

Via NBC:

The key is to strike a balance between comfort and effectiveness.

“If you put three or four masks on, it’s going to filter better because it’s more layers of cloth,” said Dr. Scott Segal, chair of anesthesiology at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “But you’ll be taking it off because it’s uncomfortable.”

Segal has been studying face covering fabrics for much of the past year in response to the pandemic. Overall, he said, 3-ply medical-grade surgical masks tend to offer the best protection for the average individual.

For those opting for cloth masks, Segal recommends “two layers of high-quality cotton material with a relatively high thread count.”


Before he was for double-masking, Fauci wasn’t for masks at all during the early stages of the domestic spread of COVID when logic dictates that it could have made a difference.

Fauci was able to become a hero of the resistance for his frequent contradictions of then-president Donald J. Trump and became so essential to the establishment’s jihad against the hated Beltway outsider that D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser canceled Christmas Eve in favor of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day.

This guy has never had it so good and he NEVER wants to see America get COVID under control; now he’s hustling the idea of more communicable “variant” strains that will keep the nation and its suffering citizenry masked up and locked down in perpetuity.
