The FBI is warning Chicago police of a deadly new threat that is not coming from the deadly, irresponsible Leftism of Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Rather, it’s coming in the form of street gangs banding together to assassinate CPD officers if they dare draw their weapons in self-defense (which is when 99.999 percent of all cops draw their weapons).

The Western Journal reports:

An FBI “situational information report” warned Chicago-area law enforcement that gang members have “formed a pact to ‘shoot on-site’” any police officer who has a weapon drawn on a suspect in public.

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The Aug. 26 alert obtained by WLS-TV says “members of these gang factions have been actively searching for, and filming, police officers in performance of their official duties.”

“The purpose of which is to catch on film an officer drawing his/her weapon on any subject and the subsequent ‘shoot on-sight’ of said officer, in order to garner national media attention,” the alert titled “Pace Made by People Nation Gang Factions to ‘Shoot On-Site’ Any Police Officer with a Weapon Drawn” read.

If this is a legitimate threat, it amounts to a declaration of war on the Chicago Police Department.

If it’s not legitimate but just someone blowing off hot air, we have to wonder how many officers will take it seriously and not draw their weapons in self-defense, thus putting them (and Chicago residents) in danger of death or injury.

The outlet reported further:

The alert listed nearly three dozen Chicago street gangs including the Latin Kings, Vice Lords, El Rukns and Black P Stones.

Investigators frequently distribute alerts to law enforcement agencies, especially when there is a threat to officers.

The recent alert came from “a contact whose reporting is limited and whose reliability cannot be determined,” meaning it could be anyone from a witness in an ongoing case to a police street source to discussions heard on a wiretap.

On Monday, CPD Chief David Brown told reporters threats are rising against police in America’s second-largest city.

I think it’s bigger than a suggestion,” Brown said.

“I think 51 officers being shot at or shot in one year, I think that quadruples any previous year in Chicago’s history. So I think it’s more than a suggestion that people are seeking to do harm to cops.”

At the same time, deaths from shootings – most of it by far black-on-black crimes because their lives don’t really matter – have risen dramatically under Lightfoot’s ‘leadership.’ And all while she remains focused more on preventing Chicagoans from living a mask-free life or dining inside a restaurant or sitting on a beach because ‘COVID.’

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“We need police officers and as community members, we need to push back fervently against lawlessness,” Brown said.

In an appearance on “Fox & Friends” Aug. 11, Chicago 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale said the city is in “total unrest.”

“I think the mayor has lost the confidence and the control of this city,” he said of Lightfoot. “She’s listening to the wrong people and the wrong people are really leading this unrest in the city of Chicago.”

“The aldermans are the ones elected by their constituency and there is a total disregard of listening to the alderman who knows the post of this city and knows the post of their ward.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.