Steadily, federal courts are stepping in to halt state-level efforts led by Democrats to alter laws mandating how and when and for how long residents can vote this year, efforts the party is making to steal elections.

On Thursday, for instance, a federal appeals court blocked an order by Wisconsin’s Democrat-run executive branch that added a week to mail-in ballot deadline, which is Election Day.

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CNBC reports:

A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a judge’s ruling that would have extended the deadline for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin a week past Election Day. 

A 2-1 panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Republican-led state legislature and the Republican National Committee, which appealed the decision issued last month by District Judge William Conley. 

Democrats are dishonestly exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to change longstanding voting regulations, laws, and rules, adding time to ballot deadlines, removing requirements for witnessed signatures, and other vote integrity mandates — because they know how easy it is to flood elections with phony or contrived mail-in ballots.

A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a judge’s ruling that would have extended the deadline for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin a week past Election Day. 

A 2-1 panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Republican-led state legislature and the Republican National Committee, which appealed the decision issued last month by District Judge William Conley. 

Democrats are dishonestly exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to change longstanding voting regulations, laws, and rules, adding time to ballot deadlines, removing requirements for witnessed signatures, and other vote integrity mandates — because they know how easy it is to flood elections with phony or contrived mail-in ballots.

“Conley’s ruling allowed absentee ballots to be counted if they were received as late as Nov. 9, as long as they were mailed by Nov. 3. If the appeals panel ruling stands, ballots will have to be received by Election Day,” CNBC added. 

The unsigned ruling cited Supreme Court precedent against allowing states to change election laws so close to an election.

“If the judge had issued an order in May based on April’s experience, it could not be called untimely. By waiting until September, however, the district court acted too close to the election,” the panel wrote.

All three of the judges were appointed by Republican presidents, but the one dissenter was actually appointed by a RINO — George H. W. Bush; the other two were appointed by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

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“I suppose that the district court could have issued a preliminary injunction in May based on the experience with the April election, as my colleagues suggest, but the defendants no doubt would have argued that it was premature to deem modifications to the election code warranted so far in advance of the election, and there is a fair chance that this court might have agreed with them,” Circuit Judge Ilana Rovner wrote in dissent.

Blah, blah, blah. Here’s the other consideration that Rovner obviously isn’t concerned with: Courts and judges don’t make laws, legislatures do — so, in this case, the court(s) should only concern themselves with whether the existing law comports with the state and federal constitutions, was duly enacted, and is otherwise sound. 

That’s it. Any other considerations amount to activism.

The fact is, if people can go to the grocery store – or riot – they can show up to vote in person or get their ballot and get it mailed in plenty of time to be counted.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.