As the Trump Administration was sending an aircraft carrier strike group to the Iranian area, Democratic Senator of California Dianne Feinstein was meeting the Iranian foreign minister for dinner.

According to Politico, a few weeks ago Feinstein met with Javad Zarif when he was in the United States.

Feinstein said that the dinner was “arranged in consultation with the State Department,” but recent reports show that this may not be true.

”The office was in touch with State in advance of the meeting to let them know it was happening and to get an update on U.S.-Iran activity,” Feinstein’s office said.

Check out what the New York Post said in relation to the current situation surrounding the United States and the Iranian government:

Zarif worked with former Secretary of State John Kerry on the 2015 nuclear deal brokered by the Obama administration with the country and other global powers — including Russia, France, England and China.

President Trump, who withdrew from the accord in May 2018, has accused Kerry of continuing to have conversations with Iran and said he should be prosecuted for violating the Logan Act.

When asked about the meeting, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hammered Feinstein and Kerry.

?”These acts border — we all know the Logan Act — ?we all know the risks that is taken when people act as private citizens on behalf of the United States government,” he said during an interview with Fox News.

The New York Post continues:

The Logan Act, which was enacted in 1799, forbids private citizens from communicating with a foreign government having a dispute with the US.

No one has ever been prosecuted under it.

The Trump administration, responding to Iranian threats against US forces in the Middle East, deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group and B-52 bombers to the region earlier this month.

Pentagon officials are expected to brief members of the administration’s national security team Thursday on plans to send 10,000 troops to the Middle East to counter the threats, the Associated Press reported.

President Trump has also spoken out against key Democrats who have been negotiating with Iran behind the scenes. Earlier in the month, he accused Kerry of violating the Logan Act and even stated that he thinks Kerry should be prosecuted.

“I’d like [Iran] to call me. You know, John Kerry speaks to them a lot. @JohnKerry tells them not to call. That’s a violation of the Logan Act. And, frankly, he should be prosecuted on that,” he said at the time.

Back in September of 2018, Kerry was asked by Dana Perino if he was telling Iran what to do in regards to President Trump.

“Is that accurate?” Perino asked in relation to whether or not the failed Presidential candidate was telling the Iranians to wait out President Trump.

“Well, I think everybody in the world is sitting around talking about waiting out President Trump,” Kerry said, not denying the accusations.

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