Though it might have fallen off the political radars of most Americans because life is busy and getting more expensive under Joe Biden, it might behoove to know that there are still some 5,000 National Guard troops deployed in Washington, D.C., ostensibly to protect our fragile lawmakers from the unwashed Trump hordes.

Well, according to the National Guard Bureau, that deployment is actually coming to an end in just a few days — or maybe not, if Democrats who want to keep up the fear porn by keeping DC locked down in DEFCON 1 mode get their way.

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The Epoch Times reports:

The Department of Defense confirmed on May 19 that the National Guard mission that was set up at the U.S. Capitol following the Jan. 6 breach will end on May 23.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters during a briefing that the deployment is expected to wrap up by that date.

“We have received no request to extend it,” he said, referring to the National Guard deployment around the Capitol. He also said that around 2,100 National Guard troops remain from the original more than 5,000 that were positioned following the breach.

Republicans have criticized the deployment practically from the outset, when Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer demanded 25,000 armed Guard personnel ahead of Biden’s inauguration. They have been critical because there is no real threat to the Capitol in the first place, let alone to the politicians inside.

“I’m not aware of any–any–threat to justify a continued presence today around the capital, much less into the fall,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a former Army Ranger and combat vet, said.

Keeping Guard troops at the Capitol was “outrageous because that’s not their function. It’s not their mission,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) told reporters in March.

Even a couple of Democrats thought the deployment has been too much.

“We cannot ignore the financial costs associated with this prolonged deployment, nor can we turn a blind eye to the effects it will soon have on the National Guard’s overall readiness,” said Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the chairman of the House Armed Services panel, earlier this year.

Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau, has pushed back as well.

“I am concerned that the continued indefinite nature of this requirement may also impede our ability to man future missions as both adjutants general and Guardsmen alike may be skeptical about committing to future endeavors,” he said in a March memo.

But because armed Guard troops and secure fencing give off the appearance of a threat (from Trump supporters), thousands of troops have remained.

And Democrats want them to stay there indefinitely.

As noted by The National Sentinel, on Thursday House Democrats passed (by a single vote, 213-212) a nearly $2 billion measure to keep Guard forces deployed in the Capitol Complex indefinitely while paying for upgraded security for the building and for lawmakers themselves — some speculating that Biden’s left-wing agenda may require additional security in the near future.

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That may be a stretch, of course, but the claim lawmakers are in near-constant threat of Trump supporters overrunning the complex again at some future point is equally conspiratorial.

The Guard needs to return its forces to their home states and lawmakers need to reopen the people’s houses. It should have happened months ago.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.