American corporations continue to go all-in to virtue signal their support for a militant Marxist political movement that seeks to replace our nation’s founding principles with a form of government that the framers rebelled against.

The latest is American Airlines, which has decided to allow flight attendants to wear “Black Lives Matter” lapel pins on their uniforms. 

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Fox News reports

American Airlines on Sunday announced that it will allow their flight attendants to wear “Black Lives Matter” pins on their uniform while on duty. In addition, the company is also working to design its own pin that will show its symbolic support of a diverse and inclusive work environment.

“Clearly we live in a time where it is so important to have a dialogue about this important issue of racism in our society and try to find common ground,” the airline wrote in a company-wide announcement. “American is truly committed to having an inclusive culture that is welcoming to all and a reflection of our country and world.

“This is why American is so committed to creating a more tolerant and diverse team,” AA said. “Through our partnership with American’s office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we are continuing to work through an overall plan for addressing these issues in our workplace.”

So, is the airline really interested in allowing all points of view to be expressed? It is really ‘inclusive’ or is this just more pabulum intended to placate people who don’t think critically and base their opinions strictly on emotions and not facts and reasoning?

We’re about to find out, as Fox News further notes:

“I take offense to this,” one flight attendant said to airline management in an email obtained by The New York Post. “Serious offense. My husband is a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), as was my deceased father and as far as I’m concerned ALL LIVES MATTER.”

“I am completely disgusted at the fact that we can’t show support for our GOD, our COUNTRY, our LEOs but when it comes to BLM organization (which is controversial in itself), American Airlines says that’s obviously different,” she wrote. “How is that right? Well, I don’t feel included.”

Another flight attendant who spoke to Fox News said that if the BLM pins are allowed, then they will be wearing their Trump pin to show support for the commander-in-chief.

“If this pin is sanctioned, I will wear my NYPD pin supporting the police department,” one attendant told the Post.

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Shouldn’t be any problem – right? 

Probably wrong. That’s because American Airlines, like most other virtue-signaling major U.S. corporation, is pushing the lie that BLM isn’t “political.”

The airline’s statement said it sees the BLM pin push “not as a political cause but as a universal cause about humanity and equality. Fundamentally, Black Lives Matter is an expression of equality.”

“It doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter, rather that in our society black lives should matter and be valued the same as others. That’s not political.”

Oh, BS. Of course, the BLM movement is ‘political.’ If it weren’t then how come its founders and advocates are pushing for political and policy changes?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.