If you have not been to your local school board meeting recently, you might want to consider going to the next one, even if for just the public comment portion. Many districts have jumped on the big-tech wagon and even have their own YouTube channels where they broadcast meetings.

You just might find so much absurdity that the famous mass-forehead slap scene from the classic movie Airplane will involuntarily flash in your mind’s eye.

Case in point.

A Florida man, Bruce Friedman, recently attended his local school board meeting in Clay County to voice his objections to obscene material he found in his son’s school library. The dad was going to simply read from the books found in the school district’s own library.

The school board cut the dad’s mic and would not let allow him to speak, stating he was attempting to read “ …pornography into a public television set”.

*Forehead slap*

Friedman was interviewed by Fox News Digital after being censored by the school board at the June 30 meeting, where he confirmed that the district was correct–the material is pornography–, stating “These books are so vile that reading any excerpt that I captured will end this interview.”

Friedman, the president of No Left Turn in Education (Florida)–a group committed to countering the radical leftist indoctrination found in the Nation’s schools– explained:

“Somebody failed drastically in their mission to protect children. As soon as I announced that I was going to read from some books that parents… found in the public school libraries that are clearly pornographic, [they] had the mic cut off.

One book that Friedman attempted to read from was “Lucky” by Alice Sebold, which included an explicitly detailed account of the rape of a college girl. The book was available in the school’s Destiny Discover online library.

Friedman was stopped from speaking at the June 30th meeting as soon as he introduced himself and announced what he would be reading, with the caveat that “…children should cover their ears”.

After the board stopped Friedman and cut off his microphone, he asked for an explanation as to why.

The board explained:

“The problem is, sir, that these meetings are broadcast, there are people at home that are watching it on YouTube. There are people that are watching it on community television. Are you going to listen? Or are you going to run your mouth?”

“There are federal and state laws that prohibit you from saying the things that you’re getting out to say on television. There are state laws that prohibit in federal communications laws that prohibit you from publishing these things to a child. You don’t have the ability at this point to determine who’s watching the television show. And for you to say, ‘everybody cover your ears’ just doesn’t cut it.

Is your forehead red yet?

One thing that Friedman said in his interview should especially be noted:

“In my experience, people don’t get off the couch until it’s on fire. People don’t work to protect their children until they’re harmed. In my case, the same applies. I sent my son to New York… public school for kindergarten and first grade – they did considerable harm to my boy…. That is why I’m here – I never shook it off. I never stopped fighting. We got him into a private school promptly after first grade, but the damage was done. It took five years, in my opinion, to put him back on the right track.”

The terrible news here is that this is happening all over the Nation, and most citizens don’t know where to begin to find out if this harm is being done in their community. Ask the school board? Good luck with that.

The silver lining is that many school districts across the Nation use similar, if not the same, management software passed down to them through the State School Board Association. Each state has one, most are still affiliated with the infamous “Declare Parents Terrorists!” National School Board Association.

Therefore, what can be found in on school district can usually be found in another using the same, or similar techniques.

For instance, this Substack, is a step-by-step guide on how similar books were found in a Southern California School District. The material was found by following the links of a school’s library page, which used Follet Destiny resources, to various virtual destinations (county library, Portland, Or. school district).

Sometimes one just has to go look.




Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.