We keep hearing Democrats and Left-wing teachers unions complaining about President Donald Trump’s administration pushing for schools to reopen this fall amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

In particular, they claim that they are ‘following the science’ in demanding that schools remain closed to in-person classes because that’s the only way to ‘protect the children.’

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Union officials in one school district – the Los Angeles Unified School District, to be exact – are even exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to demand all sorts of Marxist reforms like ‘defunding’ police, ‘Medicare-for-all’, ‘taxes on the wealthy,’ and other nonsense before they’ll agree to return to class to teach kids.

Of course, those aren’t serious proposals. But neither are claims that teachers’ unions are merely “following the science” behind coronavirus.

A slew of studies have been done in the past six months proving that a) coronavirus is not killing or even seriously infecting children and teens (the flu actually does that, and yet we don’t close schools, demand that everyone wear a mask until the end of time, socially distance, or shut down sports leagues); and b) that kids are not ‘super-spreaders’ of COVID-19.

Issues & Insights notes in arguing for schools to be reopened in a few weeks: 

Los Angeles is an admittedly extreme example, but similar things are happening around the country in other union-run school districts.

Unfortunately, most parents don’t fully understand the damage being done to their kids as a result of the teachers unions’ COVID-19 power-play. It’s a real pity.

As we noted, so-called Democrat “progressives,” which includes teachers unions bosses and members, like to say that “science” should drive public debate over COVID-19 and school openings.

Fair enough. So let’s look at the “science,” shall we?

Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control, actually said during an interview with The Hill last week that it is better to send kids back to school because keeping schools shuttered “is a greater public health threat to the children than having the schools reopen.”

His comments follow a recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics in June that local officials “should start (their deliberations on the coming school year) with a goal of having students physically present in school.”

In addition to noting that kids aren’t in danger of contracting coronavirus and developing serious or life-threatening symptoms, the AAP said actions taken should consider “the known harms to children, adolescents, families and the community by keeping children at home.”

The AAP would backtrack somewhat, issuing a joint statement under pressure from the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, along with the education bureaucrats’ interest group, the School Superintendents Association.

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But no matter. 

Scores of “studies and reports in the U.S. and around the world (here, here, here, here and here, for example) show that, in the words of one study, ‘children play a minor role in the spread of the novel coronavirus,” I & I noted. “The virus is mainly spread between adults and from adult family members to children.”

So….that’s ‘the science’ regarding coronavirus and children. Oh, and let’s remember, too, that European countries have already begun sending their kids back to in-person classroom learning.

Because they know what Leftist ‘shutdown’ Democrats don’t want others to know: ‘The science’ supports a return to school this fall.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.