American college campuses used to be thought of as ‘bastions of free speech and expression,’ but then again, that was back in the 1960s and 1970s when the Left-wing ‘counterculture movement’ began in earnest.

‘Liberal’ student groups pushing back against American tradition – family, faith, pride, patriotism – demanded to be heard because it was their right under the First Amendment.

And they were ‘heard,’ often turning simple protests and acts of defiance into riotous anarchy.

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Today, many of those same Marxist/Communist agitators are professors and administrators on college and university campuses around the country. While they’re still as Left-wing as they can get, they no longer stand for the same freedom of speech and expression they used to demand.

Rather, they have become intolerant of viewpoints they don’t hold or agree with, punishing anyone who strays from their brand of militant Left-wing groupthink.

But increasingly, their Nazi-like fascism is getting big-time pushback.

Earlier this summer, Fordham University student Austin Tong was banned from campus because he dared to post a picture of him posing with an unloaded AR-15. It wasn’t an ‘illegal weapon’ and he posed with the rifle to express his solidarity with Chinese dissidents opposed to the Communist regime who took part in the anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident, a reform movement that turned deadly when the government cracked down.

The same day Tong, a Chinese-American immigrant who came to the U.S. at a young age, posted the ‘offending’ picture, he was visited by two Fordham Department of Public Safety agents around midnight who proceeded to question him about ‘threats.’

Once they determined he wasn’t a threat, the agents left. But that wasn’t the end of it, as Campus Reform reports:

Tong then received a letter from Keith Eldredge, Assistant Vice Principal and Dean of Students at Fordham University, stating that he would have to go through an investigation for a possible violation of the University Code of Conduct. During Tong’s hearing, Eldredge said that “members of the Fordham community felt threatened by the social media posts.” 

Eldredge had issued a list of “non-appealable and final” sanctions against Tong, including “University Disciplinary Probation.” The sanctions prevent Tong from engaging in any extracurricular activities at Fordham and will result in his “immediate suspension or expulsion” if they are violated. In addition, Tong is not allowed onto the Fordham campus unless he receives “permission from Eldredge and must complete the 2020-21 academic year via online instruction.”

Like we said, intolerant speech Nazis and fascists there at Fordham.

Tong said ‘nope’ and filed suit.

“Tong will not and should not have to comply with either of these requirements because he plainly did not violate any Fordham policies or rules and will not and should not have to submit to punishment for exercising his constitutional rights, and will not and should not have to compromise his good faith beliefs, principles, and virtues,” the suit states.

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The university further “violated its own policies and rules which unequivocally commit the University to the protection and encouragement of free speech and expression,” the suit says.

Further, the filing states that speech at Fordham University is protected by the First Amendment and the university’s own policies, allowing for everyone to express “differing viewpoints, even viewpoints that may be controversial or make some individuals uncomfortable.”

Let’s hope this young man forces some sanity – and true freedom of expression – back into Fordham’s curriculum. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.