If you were genuinely wondering why former Attorney General William Barr did virtually nothing to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion hoax several Obama-era officials launched to undermine President Donald Trump’s administration, breaking laws along the way, he just gave you the answer.

He was never going to be ‘that AG’ because he was never loyal to the man he claimed to support and work for.

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President Trump never called on his supporters to invade the U.S. Capitol Building Wednesday. He never asked them to ‘go to war’ to save his presidency. He never incited anyone to any violence or illegal act. 

And in fact, his supporters have been routinely targeted by Democratic voters practically since The Donald came down the escalator at Trump Tower in New York City in 2015 to declare his candidacy.

But because he’s really a swamp creature himself, Barr came out on Thursday and cast aspersions at his former boss as though Trump had ordered the assault himself.

The Daily Wire reports:

Former Attorney General William Barr accused President Trump of “orchestrating a mob” to stop Congress from certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory.

Barr, who resigned from Trump’s cabinet just before Christmas last year, slammed the president over his handling of a riot that broke out in the Capitol on Wednesday after pro-Trump rioters stormed the building. Four people died during the riot, including one woman who was shot by police inside the halls of Congress.

Barr denounced Trump in a statement to the Associated Press. Barr had been one of the president’s strongest allies when he served in the administration, and the former attorney general praised the president in his resignation letter.

In a statement to the AP, Barr labeled the president’s conduct regarding the assault as a “betrayal of his office and supporters,” going on to accuse Trump of “orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress,” which he called “inexcusable.”

Turmp has been clear he believes the election was stolen from him; we happen to agree. All the states that succumbed to Democrat demands and unconstitutionally changed their voting rules and procedures ahead of Nov. 3 were responsible for producing results that were favorable to Joe Biden.

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But Trump pointing that out is not inciting people to riot or invade the Capitol Building. And let’s be clear: The vast majority of the 30,000-odd people who came to the “Stop the Steal” rally were peaceful.

Trump’s first defense secretary, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, who has become quite the critic of the president after he was dismissed, chimed in as well.

“Today’s violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump,” Mattis lied in a statement Wednesday. “His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo-political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice.”

Actually, Biden and the Democrats have destroyed Americans’ trust in our elections, general.

“Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-ending effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country,” he added.

Whatever. The fact is, Trump could probably go create a country of his own tomorrow and his supporters would trip over themselves to move there. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.