Two things are becoming apparent regarding Joe Biden: He’s on his way to capturing the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, but he really seen to have the mental capacity to serve as president should he win.

So what are Democrats going to do — trot him out anyway, or find some way to replace him with someone who is, shall we say, ‘more electable?’

Dick Morris, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton, thinks it’s the latter — and he believes that the Dems’ pick will be New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

During an appearance Sunday on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York AM 970 radio, Morris said though Biden “thinks he has the nomination sewn up,” a “write-in movement” for Cuomo is entirely possible because he’s done “very well” for himself during the coronavirus outbreak.

“Biden thinks he has the nomination sewn up, but I’m not so sure,” Morris told host John Catsimatidis. “Cuomo has been doing very well with his daily press event, and the heart-wrenching drama of him and his brother on the air really attracted vast audiences a tremendous sympathy.

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“It’s perfectly possible for Cuomo to replace Biden as a nominee. Biden has at the moment about 1,200 delegates, but you need 1,900 to win the nomination. And most of the states have postponed their primaries,” Morris continued.

“And New York, with over 200 delegates, has postponed its primary until June 23, the last in the country. I don’t think that’s coincidence. I think Cuomo may have postponed it so that it would increase his chances,” Morris added.

“And you could have a write-in movement for Cuomo. You literally could have him not declaring, not setting up a committee, not campaigning, just sitting there in Albany doing his job. … And he could win. And he could win enough delegates to win the nomination.”

The long-time politico also said he believes Cuomo has a better-than-average chance against President Trump, something that the White House should not take for granted.

“Cuomo would be a very different order-of-magnitude opponent than Biden was,” Morris said.

But — would Cuomo even be interested in running for president? Not according to what he told his brother, CNN personality Chris Cuomo, in a recent interview.

As RealClearPolitics noted March 30:

CNN host Chris Cuomo asked his brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) if he is thinking about running for president after all the “adulation” he has gotten for leading New York during the coronavirus. Earlier on Monday, President Trump praised Cuomo and said he would be a better Democratic candidate for president than “Sleepy Joe” Biden.

“[Trump] is very responsive to poll numbers, and they say you’re popular now because of how you’re doing this. So he weaponizes it and says you know what he should do, he should run for president, this guy, Cuomo,” Chris Cuomo said. “He’d be better than Biden, this guy Cuomo, but I’d beat him, too. Let me ask you something. With all of this adulation that you’re getting for doing your job, are you thinking about running for president? Tell the audience.”

“No, no,” the governor replied.

“No, you won’t answer?” Chris said.

“No, I answered. The answer is no.”

Here’s the rest of the exchange:

CHRIS CUOMO: No, you’re not thinking about it?

GOV. CUOMO: Sometimes it’s one word. I said no.

CHRIS CUOMO: Have you thought about it?


CHRIS CUOMO: Are you open to thinking about it?


CHRIS CUOMO: Might you think about it at some point?


CHRIS CUOMO: How can you know what you might think about at some point right now?

GOV. CUOMO: Because I know what I might think about and what I won’t think about. But you’re a great interviewer, by the way.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.