One of the biggest outrages of 2020 isn’t the fact that the coronavirus was politicized and continues to be.

And it wasn’t that Democrats probably cheated in the election because they have a history of doing that (see Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City, etc.).

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It is that President Donald Trump and his administration have gotten zero credit from the Washington political establishment and the disgustingly dishonest American media after successfully negotiating four historic peace deals in the Middle East and elsewhere that were all signed within the past six months – peace deals that morons like ‘seasoned diplomat’ John Kerry once said would be impossible.

And now that the president’s administration has put the Middle East, especially, on the right track towards peace, Israeli officials including a former UN ambassador are hoping that a prospective Joe “Iran Deal” Biden administration, if it happens, will continue Trump’s “momentum” in the region.

Fox News has more:

Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon offered insight Sunday into what a Biden presidency could mean for the Middle East, and urged President-elect Joe Biden to “continue the momentum” created by President Trump’s peace initiatives in the region. …

Danon praised Trump for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, pulling the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal, and brokering the Abraham Accords which normalizes relations between Israel and four Arab states — United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.

“I hope the President-elect will continue with the momentum because it’s good not only for Israel or the modern Arab countries, it is good for the U.S.,” he told Fox News.

“I flew to Dubai a few years ago and it was a very sensitive visit. Today, you have 14 flights a week from Tel Aviv to Dubai so we see the fruits of peace already,” he said, “and we are excited about it.”

As for the pathetic Iran deal, which essentially amounted to paying Tehran off to delay the development of nuclear weapons until a decade or so down the road, Trump pulled the U.S. out in 2018 because it was lousy for our country and for our best Mideast ally, Israel.

But Biden has said he wants to reenter the agreement provided Iran strictly complies (which it never did, according to Israeli intelligence).

“First of all, we have to look at the facts and the facts are the deal is a bad deal…the Iranians ignored it, we saw what they did in the last five years and everything we learned about everything is happening today,” Danon said, advising the Biden foreign policy team “not to listen to the Iranians, to apply more sanctions and not to try to appease them.

“When you try to appease them, they take advantage of it,” he argued, “and I think it will be bad for the U.S. to play that game.”

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Rather, Danon said he would “recommend [to] the new administration to apply more pressure, to work with the allies in the region, and if the Iranians would be willing to change the agreement which I doubt it, you can speak about it.

“But you don’t run immediately and hug them and give them what they want.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.