Tens of millions of Americans are anxiously awaiting what legal strategies President Donald Trump’s campaign will employ in order to combat what we’ll just call “voting irregularities” by the armloads that took place only in battleground states following Election Day this week. 

The garbage ‘mainstream media’ dutifully played its role Saturday by declaring that Joe Biden has won the presidency, even as states continue counting ballots and even as the real president, Trump, mounts legal challenges in states that may have illegally altered their voting laws in the days and weeks before the election.

But there is a lot more at stake in getting our election results correct, according to a former National Security Council official, who says the irregularities definitely “merit serious investigation.”

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The Epoch Times reports:

As the results of the current presidential election drag out there are enough anomalies found in it “to merit a serious investigation,” according to Rich Higgins, former Director for Strategic Planning at the National Security Council (NSC).

Among concerns surrounding the election are “Twitter anomalies, the votes showing up in the middle of the night, the counts that go on forever,” Higgins said in a recent interview on The Epoch Times’ Crossroads program.

“There’s a lot of evidence there that requires further investigation” and there are constitutional measures in place to do it, Higgins said, state legislators can act if any violations or irregularities are found in the voting process but they will need evidence to do so.

Higgins would like to see the Trump administration provide “a more succinct and coherent messaging” about the election situation.

Specifically, Higgins would like the administration to tackle “the disinformation campaign that we’ve seen now going on for a year and a half from the media as it pertains to the election.”

“Of all the things that I’m most shocked about that I’ve seen in the past couple of days is the incessant media tipping of the scale through … the provision of narrative and one on one hand, and then the selective distribution of information on the other hand. … They’re not only lying to you, they’re also withholding information from you. It really is disgusting,” Higgins said.

The former NSC official knows of what he speaks. He was fired in 2017 after he issued a memo warning of a political warfare operation that had been launched by entrenched bureaucrats in the U.S. intelligence community.

“The Trump administration is suffering under withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the President,” Higgins wrote in his memo intended for internal use only. His hope was that the memo “will help the president and understand what’s happened to him in a more full context.”

In hindsight, now nearly four years later, so much evidence and documentation has come to light proving Higgins 110 percent correct.

And now, we appear to be in the midst of “The Coup of 2020” — the deep state’s effort to literally steal the election from the president because every other unprecedented attempt to drive him from office has been unsuccessful.

It should be noted that, according to Higgins, the info-warfare ops against Trump are not new. The 20-year NSC vet first saw them developing during the Bush administration.

“I saw an attempt to suspend reality, and to push narratives down into the decision making cycle to the point where they were impacting operations on the ground, frankly, getting people killed,” he said.

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Americans have definitely lost control over key aspects of our government. 

Trump has been the president who has sought to get control back to the people. That’s why he’s so targeted and so hated.

He has to be successful with his legal challenges to this stolen election. The future of our republic depends on it.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.