On New Years day, former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne teased a massive finding on Twitter when he opened up about a conversation he had with a forensic document examiner.

Byrne explained that the news he had heard would make the American people want to “l**ch every politician involved in this scheme.”

“When Americans learn what I learned this morning (from a federally certified forensic document examiner) about certain ballots in certain counties in a certain state, they are going to l**ch every politician involved in this scheme. Starting with a certain governor and SOS,” he tweeted.

“Everything has to go through lawyers before release. Sorry, I can only drop you appetizers,” Byrne added.

Efforts to challenge the outcome of the 2020 election have been ramping up in recent weeks. On Wednesday, Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections as well as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee gathered to hold a hearing on Georgia’s election laws.

During the hearing, inventor Jovan Pulitzer stated that he could easily audit Georgia’s election results with special techniques that would identify fraudulent ballots.

Pulitzer explained how he has “no regard for the smoke and mirrors of how the machines work” and would be solely focusing on the paper ballots.

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“I don’t care about the machine,” he explained. “I don’t even care about the code that was written in the machine. What I care about is that physical artifact [ballot] and that physical artifact has material differences district to district that should not be there.”

Pulitzer shockingly claimed he could analyze 500,000 in just two hours.

After his testimony, the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots using Pulitzer’s process.

WATCH: (Wait for tweet to load)

WATCH Pulitzer here:

President Trump weighed in on the hearing, tweeting, “We now have far more votes than needed to flip Georgia in the Presidential race. Massive VOTER FRAUD took place. Thank you to the Georgia Legislature for today’s revealing meeting!”

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The clock is ticking down and President Trump and his allies are pushing harder than ever to overturn the 2020 election results.

On Tuesday, the Trump campaign took their election fight in Wisconsin to the US Supreme Court where they will be challenging 50,000 absentee ballots.

The announcement was first released by Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn during Steve Bannon’s show, War Room.

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The news was later confirmed by President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Check out what the Independent reported:

The move was announced by campaign lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who said the filing was aimed at the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision to reject their claims against more than 50,000 ballots. Joe Biden won Wisconsin by a margin of about 20,000 votes.

The Trump campaign says its petition will present claims that ballots were counted by voters without identification, incomplete absentee ballots were counted, and ballots were collected by hand at events held before the election.

It is the Trump campaign’s second filing in the Supreme Court after its challenge to the Pennsylvania election results on 20 December.

They also filed a motion for expedited consideration before the 6 January count of Electoral College votes that delivered the White House to president-elect Biden.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court tossed out the Trump campaign’s lawsuit on 14 December in a 4-3 ruling, with Justice Brian Hagedorn writing that the campaign waited too long to raise its concerns.

“Our laws allow the challenge flag to be thrown regarding various aspects of election administration,” Justice Hagedorn wrote. “The challenges raised by the Campaign in this case, however, come long after the last play or even the last game; the Campaign is challenging the rulebook adopted before the season began.”

Trump campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn said on an episode of Steve Bannon’s podcast that the filing came after a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision that was based on “technicality not the merits”, and that it would be followed by “action out of Georgia.”

“We are now taking that fight to the Supreme Court where there’s already a robust case out of Pennsylvania, and there’s a case out of Arizona,” he said. “There’s going to be action out of Georgia as well.”

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