One of the pluses about Fox News is that it is a network that often attempts to provide both sides of the political spectrum a chance to be heard, giving a platform to both conservatives and liberals, which is the way things should be. However, one of the worst things about Fox News is that it often attempts to provide a platform for both sides of the political spectrum, which means not only liberals get a shot at sharing their thoughts and opinions, but so does the ever-annoying Geraldo Rivera.

Fortunately, there is a major counterbalance to the insanity Rivera spews forth on a daily basis, and that is none other than my main man Greg Gutfeld. Gutfeld, who is the co-host of “The Five” and has his own late night talk show that is destroying his liberal competition, put Geraldo in his place during a discussion on the program about Joe Biden’s border crisis, along with new reports about 15,000 Haitian migrants who are coming to the United States.

According to the Conservative Brief, Rivera seemingly misinterpreted a comment that was made by Gutfeld, which led to a big blow up between the two. And that always makes for dynamic television viewing. I know, I know, we shouldn’t celebrate arguments and division, blah, blah, blah. Geraldo runs his mouth a bunch, so it’s truly a pleasure to see him get put back in his place.

The report says that Gutfeld was explaining how Democrats, along with their partners in crime in the media, “are neglecting rising crime rates in U.S. cities,” before accusing them of “ignoring rampant violent crime that started last summer.” The issue of crime spikes in major cities in the United States has been a major issue for many Americans who are sick and tired of the “soft on crime” approach of many Democrat district attorneys and attorneys general.

“All of our cities are degraded, dangerous –,” Gutfeld started to say before he was interrupted by Geraldo. After Gutfeld was finally able to finish making his point, Rivera jumped in and “revisited his remarks, and implied Gutfeld was suggesting the migrants would commit crimes if allowed in the country.”

“I have to rebut what Greg said about Haitian immigrants and crime,” the uber liberal Rivera, who issued a challenge to his cohost to find evidence that links Haitian immigrants and an increase in crime, which was not something even alleged by Gutfeld went on to say. This understandably made Gutfeld a bit agitated.

And that’s when the fireworks went off:

GUTFELD: Oh my god. You are so wrong, Geraldo.

RIVERA: What does crime have to do with these people? You know what their crime is?

GUTFELD: Jesus Christ, you are totally misreading this! I was talking about how the media covers the story!

RIVERA: These–

GUTFELD: No, no because you screwed up. It’s embarrassing, Geraldo. You’re embarrassing me.

RIVERA: Well, be embarrassed.

GUTFELD: No, because you’re wrong!


GUTFELD: No, no, no, no. Let me respond to your lie to your face! I was talking about how the media ignored a story about the crime issue! It wasn’t about Haiti! Jesus! Apologize!


RIVERA: You wanted to make this stereotypical linkage. And Haitians have been screaming–

That is so wrong. So wrong,” Gutfeld went on to say in response to Rivera, who issued an apology to him when another cohost on the program, Dana Perino, read the transcript back as a defense for Gutfeld.

“He did not say Haitians are causing crime to go up,” Perino insisted.

“I apologize, Greg,” Rivera went on to say to Gutfeld.

“I accept your apology,” Gutfeld said in return.

“My problem with what you said is the juxtaposition, even though you did not intend it between violent crime, which is a separate topic and you made that clear in the point and that’s why I apologize and the Haitian immigrants,” Rivera continued.

Gutfeld then took an opportunity to fire off a shot at “The View,” saying, “We cannot turn into ‘The View’ and become emotional about things.”

