A gas station owner from Massachusetts has had it up to here (imagine making that gesture with your hand, not the naughty one, above your head to illustrate just how done you are with a given situation) with what he believes to be attempts by oil companies to rob customers blind with astronomically high gas prices at the pump, and has therefore decided to protest by not selling gas.

According to a piece from the Washington Examiner, Reynold Gladu, who has owned and operated the Ren’s Mobil Service located in downtown Amherst for five decades now, drained his tanks earlier in the month and stated he has zero plans to refill them.

This dude has seriously had enough.

“I don’t want to be part of it anymore,” Gladu went on to tell The Daily Hampshire Gazette for a story that was put out on Tuesday. “This is the biggest ripoff that ever has happened to people in my lifetime.”

According to AAA New England, the current average price of gasoline in the state of Massachusetts is more than $5 per gallon, which is really just a more covert way for the current Biden administration to tell you to bend over and grab your ankles.

In order to stay afloat while no longer offering gas to customers, Gladu will still be doing oil changes and other vehicle repairs. He went on to acknowledge, however, that he probably won’t be able to stay in business for long without being able to sell gasoline.

“Dealing with Mobil, they don’t think through their pricing policies anymore,” Gladu stated. “I’ve served their product, but I refuse to do it anymore, because they’re only getting richer.”

Julie King, who is a spokesperson for ExxonMobil Corp., recently stated in an email to the newspaper that prices at the pump are out of the control of her company and are based on several factors, which include the price of crude.

Most of us tend to think about how the high gas prices destroy our own personal finances, but give little thought to how it affects those that run the gas stations where we fuel up our vehicles.

The Biden administration caused this whole mess with poor economic policies. You know, like President Joe Biden shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline before his butt even had a chance to hit the seat in the Oval Office.

How many businesses got destroyed during all of the COVID lockdowns? And now even more are being wiped out thanks to inflation and sky-high gas prices.

If Biden wants the crown for the worst president in history, he certainly seems to be taking all the right steps to reach his goal.

There’s only one problem with Biden’s ambitions. The people of America are the ones who will, ultimately, pay the price for his achievements. Or, depending upon your perspective, lack thereof.

Unlike many of the more complicated geopolitical issues our leadership deals with, this one is relatively simple to solve. In fact, it only takes three words to fix things.

Drill, baby, drill.
