After Black Lives Matter foot soldiers spent months defacing historical American monuments, they are somehow shocked now that their contributions, the George Floyd murals and statues, are getting defaced all over the nation.

In the city of Houston, a George Floyd mural was defaced with a “racial epithet,” according to CNN. In the city of Louisville, a “Say Their Names” mural, which both depicted George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, has been defaced. Braylyn Resko Stewart, one of the three artists involved in creating the Louisville mural said that he was in “disbelief” when he first saw the mural vandalized.

Why are they so surprised? Are they the only people who should be getting away with vandalizing public spaces? Apparently so, since the police in both circumstances is reportedly investigating the vandalism

Louisville Metro Police Department spokesman Dwight Mitchell said Monday the department’s first division is in the early stages of investigating the vandalism and noted that it is “currently collecting evidence and canvassing the neighborhood for any witnesses.”

In Philadelphia, several murals throughout the city were recently defaced with the logo “Patriot Front,” which covered most of the mural. Of course, most mainstream media and organizations like the Anti-Defamation League are saying that this is the work of a “white supremacist group whose members maintain that their ancestors conquered America and bequeathed it solely to them” and that “espouses racism, anti-Semitism and intolerance under the guise of preserving the ‘ethnic and cultural origins’ of their European ancestors.”

This mural in Lafayette, Philadelphia in particular has been vandalized multiple times.

In fact, right when BLM started putting these statues and murals up around the country last summer, they started to run into problems. One of the statues that BLM put up – after spending the summer destroying American historical statues – was hauled away and thrown in a dumpster by the city the very next day.

The smashing, defacing, and vandalizing of different BLM statues which include Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, has been going on since BLM started implementing them last summer. Somehow, the BLM foot soldiers, artists and organizers that are involved with this have been surprised that people treated the “creations” the same way that BLM treated monuments of American and Western history.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.