It’s not often that a Democrat these days does anything remotely helpful or beneficial to President Donald Trump and his supporters, but one Georgia Dem is breaking the mold.

State Rep. Vernon Jones says he’s tired of watching supporters of the president attacked at will by far-Left Antifa cowards and others simply because they don’t like the fact there are Americans who proudly back him.

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“I’ve watched countless videos of Trump supporters getting attacked in the streets simply due to their support of  @realDonaldTrump,” Jones tweeted Tuesday. “Let’s call this what this is: a hate crime. And as we return to the legislature next week, I’ll be introducing legislation that’ll make it such.”

The Daily Caller provides some more context:

Jones became the first elected Democrat in the state to endorse Trump’s reelection last year, citing the president’s work for the black community.  

Jones’ decision to endorse the president earned him intense backlash from Democrats in the state. Georgia Democratic Party chair and state Sen. Nikema Williams has called Jones “an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.” An organization formed by Democratic former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has pledged to support Jones’ primary opponent.

“When I started receiving the overwhelming amount of support and outcry from the people that I represent in House District 91 in DeKalb and Rockdale counties, my fellow Georgians, and fellow Americans from across this country in every walk of life, every age, every color, every party — that was emotional, and that was motivational,” Jones said at the time.

Williams is the stereotypical Democrat we were talking about; clouded with hate (while preaching tolerance); close-minded (while calling for freedom of speech); and tribal (while preaching equality). If you are black and you dare stray off the Democrat Party plantation, woe is you. How dare you ‘betray your people’! ‘Who do you think you are, having a mind of your own? If we want you to have an opinion, we will give it to you!

Pathetic. But this is what today’s Democrat Party has become: An intolerant cult of bigots and haters who despise freedom of expression, freedom of thought, and freedom of speech when they don’t align with the propaganda orthodoxy.

As for Jones’ claim that Trump supporters being attacked is a hate crime, the FBI does not include ‘political viewpoint’ in its definition.

Rather, it’s more like “domestic terrorism.” The bureau defines that as:

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Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

And for the record, there is rarely an instance of Trump supporters and conservatives showing up at a Democrat event where supporters for the party are brazenly trolled and attacked simply because they are there supporting their candidate. We hear the Left tell us that’s the case, but we know better because if it were true, outlets like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS would run loops of those attacks endlessly.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.