Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the Georgia Republican responsible for the “Contact With America” that led to a GOP takeover of the House in 1994 for the first time in 40 years, believes that President Donald Trump will win reelection.

And he’s clear about why: The Democratic left has been hijacked by counter-revolutionaries, anarchists, tyrants, and authoritarians of the kind most Americans are simply not comfortable with.

In a column for Fox News, Gingrich notes:

In 1964, Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater asked Ronald Reagan to deliver a nationally televised speech on behalf of his campaign. The speech was called “A Time for Choosing.”

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In his address, Reagan made the point that freedom was at stake — that we’re always taking a step toward either more freedom or more tyranny. Reagan noted that, for several thousand years, man had gradually worked to create the rule of law; to establish the right of a free people who insist their liberties come from God, not government; and to limit the power of those who would exploit us, bully us, and dominate us.

In 2020, we have seen the re-emergence of tyranny in America to a degree that I would have thought impossible were I not living through it.

He goes on to note – correctly – that Democrat leaders around the country have exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to “trample” Americans’ rights and liberties with authoritarian rules and shutdowns they claim are for ‘the public’s good,’ but which really deprive a free-thinking people of the right to choose their destiny.

“Americans have a choice on Election Day to continue further down this tyrannical path or step back from the brink and recapture our God-given freedoms,” Gingrich writes.

He goes on to give some examples of the most “egregious” violations:

In Nevada, for example, Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak reopened casinos with few restrictions but severely limited the number of people who could go to church.

In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo targeted New York City’s Orthodox Jews in what can only be described as an anti-Semitic attack.

In Michigan, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer banned people from using their boats — although her husband thought he was the sole exception.

At the same time, Gingrich notes, Democrat-loving big tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are in the tank for the tyrants, censoring content and viewpoints favorable to President Donald Trump and Republicans in ways that would make Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong blush.

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“And then of course there’s the elite media, which has become a collection of propaganda outfits dedicated to protecting Joe Biden and other Democrats — even from confirmed reports of corrupt business dealings. Imagine if Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were told in 1972 not to pursue the Watergate scandal — after all, what’s a little corruption among friends? That’s what the media is doing today,” Gingrich added.

All of which is aiding the president’s reelection.

“A victory for Donald Trump would be an American populous uprising against all the large systems that would sell out to the Chinese, give up the American dream, and suppress the political right,” he wrote.

“But will President Trump be re-elected? I think so,” Gingrich continued, nevertheless imploring Americans who support the president, Vice President Mike Pence, and Republicans to go vote.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.