Rep. Louie Gohmert blasted federal courts including the Supreme Court for punting on every election-related case brought before them before and after the Nov. 3 elections, including one he filed last week.

Gohmert’s suit challenged the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which specifies how electoral ballots are supposed to be tallied. According to the suit, the law is unconstitutional because the 12th Amendment lays out the procedure and, specifically, does not say that the president of the Senate – who is the sitting vice president – has to choose specific sets of electors when there are competing sets, as there are this year.

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The Texas Republican’s suit essentially re-empowers the vice president – Mike Pence in this case – to select slates of electors as he sees fit when there are contested elections and sets of electors.

But alas, a U.S. district court – a Trump appointee, no less – threw out the suit, leaving Gohmert and his legal team left to appeal to a higher court on the 5th Circuit. But the danger here is that higher courts will also toss the suit because they are staffed by constitutional illiterates or cowards, take your pick. 

And if that happens, then literally, it leaves all 74 million Trump voters nowhere else to go but the streets.

“With regard to the standing issue, if a Member of Congress who is going to object to electors that were fraudulently sent there, and the state has sent two sets, and I don’t have standing to go to court,” Gohmert, a former state judge in Texas, told Newsmax TV. “If I don’t have standing to do that, nobody does. And if the appropriate defendant is not the Vice President, that under the Constitution has the power to make that determination, then there is none.”

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Gohmert repeatedly asserted that courts are the last place Americans can go to get some justice, and if that avenue is closed to them, violence is all that’s left.

“This is an example of when institutions that our Constitution created to resolve disputes so that you didn’t have to have riots and violence in the street, it’s when they go wrong,” said Gohmert.

“The bottom line is, the court is saying we’re not going to touch this. You have no remedy. Basically, in fact, the ruling would be that you’ve got to go to the street and be as violent as Antifa and BLM,” he added.

Question: Why do all of these federal judges (and Supreme Court justices) feel that it’s okay to disenfranchise President Trump’s voters but not Joe Biden’s fake voters? 

Is it because they calculate that the president’s supporters won’t resort to Antifa-like rioting and violence? 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.